
Ethnics and ethnicity at workSandra Wallman (ed.), Ethnicity at Work, MacMillan, 1979, 252 pages. £4.95. French, English and immigrants Gary P. Freeman, Immigrant Labor and Racial Conflict in Industrial Societies: The French and British Experience, 1945–75, Princeton University Press, 1979. Alien movements Guy S. Goodwin‐Gill, International Law and the Movement of Persons Between States. oup, 1978. £14.00. Guestworkers and the German economic miracle Ray C. Rist, Guestworkers in Germany: The Prospects of Pluralism, Praeger Publishers, New York, 1978. 263 pp. A textbook on Muslim law David Pearl, A Textbook on Muslim Law, 1979, Croom Helm Ltd. (also pubd. in Bombay), hardback, ISBN 0856649597, £14.95. paperback, ISBN 0709902158, £6.95.) Linguistics and sociologese Howard Giles and Bernard Saint‐Jacques, eds, Language and ethnic relations, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1979. ii, 251 pp. Further reading Rama Kant Agnihotri, Processes of assimilation: a socio‐linguistic study of Sikh children in Leeds, University of York, D.Phil, dissertation, 1979. David J. Parkin, ‘Language choice in two Kampala housing estates’, W. H. Whiteley (ed), Language use and social change, Oxford U.P., 1971. David J. Parkin, ‘Language shift and ethnicity in Kenya’, W. H. Whiteley (ed), Language in Kenya, Oxford U.P., 1974. A. Tabouret‐Keller, ‘Un champ sémantique: les noms d'appartenance raciale au Honduras Britannique’, La Linguistique 11, 1, 123–133, 1975. Personality variables in prejudice C. Bagley, G. K. Verma, K. Maixick and L. Young, Personality, Self‐Esteem and Prejudice, Saxon House, London, 1979 £8.50. 244 pp. The imprint of discrimination on children Martin Hoyles (ed.) Changing Childhood, Writers & Readers Pub. Co‐op, 1979. £3.25 paperback. Fostering Black Children, CRC publication, 1975, 30p. Paperback. Dawn Day, The Adoption of Black Children, Lexington Books, 1979. £10.50 hardback. Brian Jackson and Sonia Jackson, Childminder: A Study in Action Research; RKP, 1979. £7.95 hardback. Brian Jackson, Starting School, Croom Helm, 1979. £7.95 hardback. Demythologising ethnic crime Philip Stevens and Carole F. Willis, Race, Crime and Arrests, Home Office Research Study No. 58, H.M.S.O. London, 1979, 69 pp. £2.75. British bureaucrats and the ‘Jewish problem’ B. Wasserstein, Britain and the Jews of Europe 1939–45, London OUP, 1979. Locating Jewish communities in England B. A. Kosmin, Caren Levy, and Peter Wigodsky, The Social Demography of Redbridge Jewry, Board of Deputies of British Jews. 1979. A century of Whitechapel William J. Fishman, The Streets of East London, Duckworth, 1979, paperback £4.95. With photographs by Nicholas Breach. British Jews and the Age of Emancipation Todd M. Endelman, The Jews of Georgian England 1714–1830: Tradition and Change in a Liberal Society, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1979, n.p

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