
Lesley Morrison Dr Watkins Publishing, 2021, PB, 192pp, £10.99, 978-1786785213 The increasing pressures brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to greater scrutiny and new literature focused on the wellbeing of healthcare professionals. Prior to this, in 2018, the General Medical Council’s report Caring for Doctors, Caring for Patients stressed the importance of doctor wellbeing on patient care1 and, more recently, the British Medical Association survey on the personal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on doctors’ wellbeing highlighted that 41% of doctors were suffering with mental health conditions, with 29% of them saying this had got worse during the pandemic.2 This book is therefore very well timed and, with appraisals now focusing more on wellbeing, would be likely to earn some CPD points as well as providing plenty to consider and reflect on. The structure is free-flowing and outlines thirty-two tools (one per chapter), which …

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