
Workshops in the Wilderness: The European Response to American Industrialization, 1830–1860. By Marvin Fisher. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. viii, 238 pp. $6.00 Vito Marcantonio, Radical in Congress. By Alan Schaffer. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1966. 256 pp. $6.50. The Spirit of the Ghetto. By Hutchins Hapgood. Edited by Moses Rischin. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1967. 315 pp. $5.95. And Promises to Keep: The Southern Conference on Human Welfare. 1938–1948. By Thomas A. Krueger. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1967. 218 pp. $6.50. Truman and Taft‐Hartley: A Question of Mandate, by R. Alton Lee. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press. 1966. 254 pp. $7.50. Millstone and Saw: The Origins of Neenah‐Menasha. By Alice E. Smith. Madison; The State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1966. viii. 208 pp. Illustrations, foreword, preface, map, bibliographical essay, and index. $5.50. The British Communist Party. Its Origins and Development Until 1929. By L. J. Macfarlane. London. MacGibbon & Kee. 338 pp. 63s. Workers, Unions and the State. By Graham Wootton. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1967. 25/—. Professional Men. By W. J. Reader, New York: Basic Books. 1967. vii. 248 pp. $6.50. The Settlement of Labor Disputes on Rights in Australia. By Paul F. Brissenden. Monograph Series: 13, Los Angeles: Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Los Angeles, 131 pp. $2.75. Soviet Trade Unions and Labor Relations. By Emily Clark Brown. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1966. ix, 394 pp. $6.95. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy. Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World. By Barrington Moore, Jr. Boston: Beacon Press. 1966. xix, 559 pp. $10.00. African Trade Unions. By Ioan Davies. Baltimore: Penguin Books. 1966. 256 pp. $1.25. Organizing the Insurance Worker: A History of Labor Unions of Insurance Employees, By Rev. Harvey J. Clermont, O.F.M. Cap., M.A. Washington, D. C. The Catholic University of America Press, 1966, 245 pp.

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