
FACTOR FOUR: Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use Ernest Von Weizsäcker, Amory B. Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins (London: Earthscan) 1997, 322pp, £15.99 hbk HIJACKING ENVIRONMENTALISM: CORPORATE RESPONSES TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Richard Welford (London: Earthscan) 1997, 224pp, £13.95 CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE FINANCIAL SECTOR: The Emerging Threat ‐The Solar Solution Jeremy Leggett (ed) (Munich: Gerling Akademie Verlag), 1996, 212pp, £20.00, DM47.62 GLOBALIZATION IN QUESTION: The Inter‐national Economy and the possibilities of governance Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson (Cambridge: Polity Press) 1996, 227pp, £poa THE STAKEHOLDER CORPORATION: A Blueprint for Maximising Shareholder Value David Wheeler and Maria Sillanpää (London: Pitman Publishing) 1997, 348pp, poa COMMUNITY WORKS! a guide to community economic action Diane Harker, Ed Mayo, Perry Walker and Catherine Unsworth (eds) (London: New Economics Foundation) 1997, 36pp, POA THE MANAGEMENT OF GREED: A biophysical appraisal of environmental and economic potential Malcolm Slesser, Jane King and David C. Crane (Edinburgh: RUI Publishing), 1997, 334pp, £12.00 MEASURING CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE: Best practices for costing and managing an effective environmental strategy Marc J. Epstein (Chicago: Irwin) 1996, 319pp, £poa BANKING ON THE FUTURE: A Survey of Implementation of the UNEP Statement by Banks on Environment and Sustainable Development Julie Hill, Doreen Fedrigo and Ingrid Marshall (London: The Green Alliance) 1997, 94pp, £15.00 6th ENVIRONMENT FOUNDATION CONSULTATION ON CORPORATE SOCIAL AND ETHICAL ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND REPORTING: Summary of proceedings Claudia Gonella & Richard Evans (compiled & edited) (London: ISEA) 1997, 87pp, £15.00/ US$ 24.00 STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT, THE ENVIRON‐ MENT, AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT David Reed (ed), (London: Earthscan) 1996, 386pp, £16.95 AFTER THE CRASH: The Emergence of the Rainbow Economy Guy Dauncey (Rendlesham: Green Print) 1996, 363pp, £9.99 MEASURING UP: Toward a Common Framework for Tracking Corporate Environmental Performance D. Ditz and J. Ranganathan (Washington D.C.: World Resources Institute) 1997, 40pp, (Website: http//:www.wri.org/wri) SOCIAL AUDIT TOOLKIT Freer Spreckley (Willenhall: Social Enterprise Partnership) 1997, 48pp, £5 REGULATING THE EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENT: Second Edition Thomas Handler (ed) (Chichester: Wiley) 1997, 240pp, £poa ISO 14001 AND BEYOND: Environmental management systems in the real world Christopher Sheldon (ed) (Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing), 1997, £15 OIL AND ISLAM: Social and Economic Issues Oystein Noreng, (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd) 1997, £poa

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