
MORRIS JANOWITZ (ed.), The New Milifury. Russell Sage FoundationG. D. MCCOLL, The Austruliun Balance of Payments.ROGER GREOOIRE, The French Civil Service.International Institute of Administrative Sciences. Brussels, 1964.Proposals to Build a New Sfute Purliument House in Sydney, 1856–1964. New South Wales Parliamentary Library, Reference Monograph No. 3, 1964.Record of the 40th Purliumenf. Legislative Council Office, Sydney, March, 1965.Stutufury Bodies in New South Wales. Joint Library Committee of the Parliament of N.S.W., 1965, Reference Monograph No. 1.BUCKNER B. “UWICK, Selected Prose Works of Arthur Hugh Clough.Prevention of Cattfe Diseuses. International Institute of Administrative Sciences, Brussells, 1964.

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