
Book Reviewed in this article:HEELER, WILLIAM J., JONES, W. DAVID and BENHAM, PHILIP O., JR. Managing Human Resources Issues: Conjkonting Challenges and Choosing OptionsARVEY, RICHARD D. and FALEY, ROBERT H. Fairness in Selecting Employees (2nd ed.)BUONO, ANTHONY E and BOWDITCH, JAMES L. The Human Side of Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing Collisions Between People, Cultures, and OrganizationsSCHAFFER, ROBERT H. The Breakthrough Strategy: Using ShortTerm Successes to BuiM the High Performance OrganizationCASNER‐LOTTO, JILL and Associates. Successful Paining Strategies: Twenty‐Sir Innovative Cowrate ModelsROSOW, JEROME M. and ZAGER, ROBERT Tmining‐The Competitive EdgeCOOPER, CARY L. and PAYNE, ROY (Eds.). Causes, Coping, and Consequences of Stress at WorkCONGER, JAY A., KANUNGO, RABINDRA N. and Associates. Charismatic Leadership: The Elusive Factor in Organizatioml EffectivenessWALLACE, MARC J. and FAY, CHARLES H. Compensation Theory and Practice (2nd ed.)PATTEN, THOMAS H., JR. Fair Pay: The Managerial Challenge of Comparable Job Worth and Job EvaluationPFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM (Ed.). The 1989Annual: Developing Human ResourcesSCHULTHEISS, EMILY E. Optimizing the Organization: How to Link People and TechnologyGOLEMBIEWSKI, ROBERT T and MUNZENRIDER, ROBERT R. Phases of Burnout: Developments in Concepts and ApplicationsWISE, PAULA SACHS. The Use ofAssessment Techniques by Applied PsychologistsMcCABE, DOUGLAS M. Corporate Nonunion Complaint Procedures and Systems: A Strategic Human Resources Management AnalysisWOLFER, KAREN S. and WONG, RICHARD G. The Outplacement Solution: Getting the Right Job After Mergers, Takeovers, Layoffs, and Other Corporate ChaosROSE, SUZANNA and LARWOOD, LAURIE (Eds.). Women's Careers: Pathways and PigallsHARVEY, JERRY B. The Abilene Paradox and Other Meditations on ManagementIJIRI, YUJI and KUHN, ROBERT LAWRENCE (Eds.). New Directions in Cmative and Innovative Management: Bridging Theory and PracticeMANESE, WILFRED0 R. Occupational Job Evaluation: A Research‐Based Approach to Job ClassiJicationBRADY, GENE F. Management by Involvement: An Action GuideKRAM, KATHY E. Mentoring at Work Developmental Relationships in Organizational LifeSYLVIA, RONALD D. Critical Issues in Public Personnel Policy

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