
ABSTRACTA Century of Biblical Archaeology. By Roger Moorey.The Bible. By Stephen Prickett and Robert Barnes.Jewish Lawfrom Jesus to the Mishnah: Five Studies. By E. P. Sanders.Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church. By Stuart G. Hall.Meisrer Eckhart: Mystical Theologian. By Oliver Davies.Bossuet: Politics Drawn from Holy Scripture. Translated and edited by Patrick Riley (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought).T. S. Eliotand Mysticism: The Secret History of ‘Four Quartets’. By Paul Murray.The Identily of Anglican Worship. Edited by Kenneth Stevenson and Bryan Spinks.Born Before All Time: The Dispute over Christ's Origin. By Karl‐Josef Kuschel, translated by John Bowden.Christ, Ethics and Tragedy. Essays in Honour of Donald MacKinnon. Edited by Kenneth Surin.Karl Rahner. By William V. Dych.Hans Urs von Bultharar. By John O'Donnell.A Vision to Pursue: Beyond the Crisis in Christianity. By Keith Ward.From Apocalypse to Genesis: Ecology, Feminism and Christianiry. By Anne Primavesi.Imagination and Authority: Theological Authorship in the Modern Tradition. By John E. Thiel.What is a Story? By Don Cupitt.Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: The Development of Christian Discourse (Sather Classical Lectures). By Averil Cameron.Christians and Pagans in Roman Britain. By Dorothy Watts.Literacy and Power in Anglo‐Saxon Literature (Regents Studies in Medieval Culture). By Seth Lerer.Religious Belief and Ecclesiastical Careers in Late Medieval England. (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion III). Edited by Christopher Harper‐Bill.The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England. By Eamon Duffy.The German Peasants' War and Anabaptist Community of Goods. By James M. Stayer.Carholic Religious Poetsfrom Southwell to Crushaw. By Anthony D. Cousins.Territories of Grace: Cultural Change in the Seventeenth‐Century Diocese of Grenoble. By Keith P. Luria.Unresting Transformation: The Theology and Spirituality of Maude Petre. By Ellen Leonard.Tradition and the Critical Spirit: Catholic Modernist Writings (Fortress Texts in Modern Theology). Writings of George Tyrrell, selected and introduced by James C. Livingston.Church and State in Modern Britain 1700‐1850. By Richard Brown.Ernst Troeltsch: Religion in History. Essays translated by James Luther Adams and Walter F. Bense.Moral Absolutes: Tradition, Revision and Truth. By John Finnis.Morality and Modernity. By Ross Poole.Understanding War (Points of Conflict). By W.B. Gallie.Business Ethics: The State of the Art (The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics). Edited by Edward R. Freeman.Conditionals. Edited by Frank Jackson.The Dilemma of Freedom and Foreknowledge. By Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski.William of Ockham and the Divine Freedom. By Harry Klocker.Freedom in the Modern World: Maritain, Simon, Adler. Edited by Michael D. Torre.The Noble Savage: Jean‐Jacques Rousseau 1754‐1762. By Maurice Cranston.Wittgenstein Centenary Essays (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 28). Edited by A. Phillips Griffiths.

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