
AbstractBook reviewed in this article History: Choice and Conmztment. By Felix Gilbert. The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity t o Primitive Christianity. By Jeffrey Burton Russell. T h e Economy of the Roman Empire: Quantitative Studies. By Richard Duncan. Jones. The Northern Barbarians, 100 BE.‐A.D. 300. By Malcolm Todd. Renaissance Rome, 1500‐1559: A Portrait of a Society. By Peter Partner. Ireland in the Age of the Tudors: The Destruction of Hiberno‐Norman Civilization. By R. Dudley Edwards. Church and People 1450‐1660: The Triumph of the Laity in the EngEish Church. By Claire Cross.Church and Society Henry VZZZ to James Z. Edited by Felicity Heal and Rosemary O'Day.The Diary of John Manningham of the Middle Temple 1602‐3. Edited, with an introduction, by Robert Parker Sorlien. The Politics of Deference: A Study of the Mid‐Nineteenth‐Century English Political System. By David Cresap Moore. The British Revolulion 1880‐1939. By Robert Rhodes James. Asquitlz. By Stephen Koss. Slim: The Standardbearer‐A Biography of Field‐Marshal The Viscount Slim. By Ronald Lewin. Winston S . Churchill. Volume V: 1922‐1939, The Prophet of Truth. By Martin Gilbert. The Age of Louis XIV: The Rise of Modern Diplomacy. By William James Roosen. Etienne‐Denis Pasquier: The Lasl Chancellor of France. By James K. Kieswetter. Peasants Into Frenchmen: The hfodernization of Rural France, 1870‐1914. By Eugen Weber. In First Gear: The French Automobile Industry to 1914. By James M. Laux. The Germans. By Erich Kahler. The Last Kaiser: A Biography of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and King of Prussia. By Tyler Whittle. German and Pole: National Conflict and Modern Myth. By Harry Kenneth Rosenthal. Poland in the Twentieth Century. By M.K. Dziewanowski. The Russian Autocracy in Crisis: 1905‐1907. By Ann Erickson Healy. Vladivostok under Red and White Rule: Revolution and Counterrevolution in the Russian Far East, 1920‐1922. By Canfield F. Smith. The United States in Norwegian History. By Sigmund Skard. The Last Great Subsistence Crisis in the Western World. By John D. Post. The Outsiders: The Western Experience in India and China. By Rhoads Murphey. Chinese Exclusion verms the Open‐Door Policy, 1900‐1906: Clashes over China Policy in the Koosevelt Era. By Delbert L. McKee. A Divided People. By Kenneth S. Lynn. Society, Freedom, and Conscience: The American Revolution in Virginia, Massachusetts, and New York. By Jack P. Greene, Richard L. Bushman, and Michael Kammen. Revolutionary Ladies. By Philip Young. The American Revolution and “A Candid World.” Edited, with preface and introduction by Lawrence S. Kaplan. The Old Religion in the Brave New World: Repections on the Relatioti Between Christendom and the Repubplic. By Sidney E. Mead. Medicine at Harvard: The First 300 Years. By Henry K. Beecher, M.D., and Mark D. Creation by Natural Law: Laplace's Nebular Hypothesis in American Thought. By Ronald L. Numbers. Success in America: The Yeoinnn Dream and the Industrial Reoolution. By Rex Burns.Class, Sex, and the Woman Worker.Out of the Sweatshop: The Struggle far Industrial Democracy. Edited by Leon Stein. Catholic Aciivisnz and ihe Ziadustrial Worker. By Neil Betten. Communications Workers of Aine The Story of a Union. By Thomas R. Brooks. The Business of Crime: Italians and Syndicate Crime in the United States. By Humbert S. Nelli. Africans and Seminoles: from Removal fo Einancipalion. By Daniel F. Littlefield,Henry Highland Garnet: A Voice of Black Radicalism in the Nineteenth Century. In Search of the Silent South: Southern Liberals and the Race Issue. By Norton Sosna.Black Ethos: Northern Urban Life and Thought, 1890‐1930.Eficiency and Expansion: Foreign Trade Organization in the Wilson Administration Ballotr before Bullets: The War Referendum Approach to Pence in America, 1914‐1941. By Ernest C. Bolt.Roosevelt and Romanism: Catholics and American Diplomacy, 1937‐1945. Hoosevelt and Churchill 1939‐1941: The Partnership That Saved the West. By Joseph P. Lash. Preparing for the Next War: American Plans for Postwar Defense, 1941‐1945. By Michael S. Sherry.A Loyal Opposition in Time of War: The Republican Party and the Politics of Foreign Policy from, Pearl Harbor t o Yalta.The American Dream in the Great Depression. Minstrels of the Dawn: The Folk‐Protest Singer as a Cultural Hero. By Jerome L. Rodnitzky. Growing Old in America: The Bland‐Lee Lectures Delivered at Clark University. By David Hackett Fischer.Our Appalachia: An Oral History. Edited by Laurel Shackelford and Bill Weinberg.

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