
Book reviewed in this article:CRIMINOLOGY Controlling Delinquents. Edited by Stanton Wheeler.CRIMINOLOGY The Social Organisation of Juvenile Justice. By Aaron V. Cicourel.CRIMINOLOGY Studies of Female Offenders. By Nancy Goodman and Jean Price. A Home Office Research Unit ReportCRIMINOLOGY Aspects of Social Control in Welfare States (Scandinavian Studies in Criminology, Volume 2). Edited by Nils Christie.CRIMINOLOGY Collected Studies in Criminological Research, Volume 2. European Committee on Crime Problems, Council of Europe, StrasbourgCRIMINOLOGY Who is the Criminal? By Richard Oerton.CRIMINOLOGY Crime in New Zealand. Department of Justice, New Zealand.CRIMINOLOGY Fifth Research Conference on Delinquency and Criminality. Quebec Centre of Criminology.CRIMINOLOGY A Validation Study of Hewitt and Jenkins' Hypothesis. By Elizabeth Field.PENAL PHILOSOPHY The Ethics of Punishment. By Sir Walter Moberley.PENAL PHILOSOPHY Punishment and Responsibility. By H. L. A. Hart.PENAL PHILOSOPHY Law, Morality and Religion in a Seculbr Society. By Basil Mitchell.PENAL PHILOSOPHY The Responsibility of Criminals. By William Kneale.PENAL PHILOSOPHY Law, Liberty and Morality. By H. L. A. Hart.PENAL PHILOSOPHY The Enforcement of Morals. By Patrick Devlin.PENOLOGY Prison. By Michael Wolff.PENOLOGY The Effectiveness of Punishment and Other Methods of Treatment. European Committee on Crime Problems, Council of Europe, StrasbourgPENOLOGY No Easy Road. By Sallie Trotter.PENOLOGY Prisoners' Progress—from mailbags to maturity. By Merfyn Turner.PENOLOGY Capital Punishment: Developments 1961 to 1965.PENOLOGY Growth to Freedom. By Derek Miller.SOCIAL STUDIES The Delinquent Solution. By David M. Downes.SOCIAL STUDIES The Professional Task in Welfare Practice. By Peter Nokes.SOCIAL STUDIES Time of One's Own. By Pearl Jephcott.SOCIAL STUDIES Studies in Child Development: 11,000 Seven Year Olds. By M. L. Kellmer Pringle, N. R. Butler and R. Davie.SOCIAL STUDIES Four Years On. By Stan Gooch and M. L. Kellmer Pringle.SOCIAL STUDIES Adoption—Facts and Fallacies. By M. L. Kellmer Pringle.SOCIAL STUDIES Family Advice Services. By Aryeh Leissner.SOCIAL STUDIES The Community's Children. Edited by Jessie Parfit.SOCIAL STUDIES People of the Streets. By Tony Parker.PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Crime and Insanity in England. Volume 1: The Historical Perspective. By Nigel Walker.PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY The Guilty Mind: Psychiatry and the Law of Homicide. By John Biggs, Jr.PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Human Aggression. By Anthony Storr.PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Psychology and Social Problems. By Michael Argyle.PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY A Study of Brief Psychotherapy. By D. H. Malan.PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Group Analysis. Volume 1, No. 1: November, 1967. Edited by S. H. Foulkes.PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Born to Trouble. By R. Lloyd and S. Williamson.THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITIES Studies in Environment Therapy (Volume 1). Edited by Arthur T. Barron.THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITIES Q Camp. Edited by Marjorie E. Franklin.THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITIES The Hawkspur Experiment. By David Wills.DRUGS Social Problems of Drug Abuse. Edited on behalf of the National Association of Probation Officers by Frank Dawtry.DRUGS Drugs and the Police. By Terence Jones.LAW AND THE POLICE A History of English Criminal Law and its Administration from 1750. Volume 4: Grappling for Control. By Leon Radzinowicz.LAW AND THE POLICE A History of Police in England and Wales, 900–1966. By T. A. Critchley.LAW AND THE POLICE Anglo‐American Criminal Justice. By Delmar Karlen, in collaboration with Geoffrey Sawer and Edward M. Wise.LAW AND THE POLICE Ransom: A Critique of the American Bail System. By Ronald Goldfarb.LAW AND THE POLICE Law and the Common Man. By C. H. Rolph.LAW AND THE POLICE Magistrates' Summary Jurisdiction—Guide to Powers of Punishment. By John A. Henham.LAW AND THE POLICE A Guide to Law and Practice under the Criminal Justice Act 1967. By David Napley.LAW AND THE POLICE A Short Guide to the Criminal Justice Act 1967. By Brian Harris.LAW AND THE POLICE Introductory Cases on Law and the Legal Process. By Bernard F. Cataldo, Cornelius W. Gillam. Frederick G. Kempin, Jr., John M. Stockton and Charles M. Weber.LAW AND THE POLICE Forensic Science. By H. J. Walls.MASS MEDIA The Press and the Protection of Youth. By H. Michaud and T. E. James.MASS MEDIA Attitude Formation and Change. By J. D. Halloran.BIOGRAPHY Romilly. By Patrick Medd.

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