
Book reviewed in this article:CITIZEN TO SOLDIER: Australia before the Great War: Recollections of Members of the First A.I.F. Edited by J.N.I. Dawes and L.L. RobsonTHE FEMINISTS: Women's Emancipation Movements in Europe, America and Australasia, 1840–1920. By Richard J. EvansA GROUP CALLED WOMEN: Sisterhood and Symbolism in the Feminist Movement. By Joan CassellA PORTRAIT OF MARGINALITY: The Political Behavior of the American Woman. Edited by Marianne Githens and Jewel I. RestageRACE RELATIONS AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND: A Comparative Survey 1770s‐1970s. By K.R. HoweT.J. RYAN: A Political Biography. By D.J. MurphyPOINTS AND POLITICS: A History of the Electrical Trades Union of Queensland. By Archie DawsonMUNGO'S CANBERRA. By Mungo MacCallumNEW FEDERALISM IN AUSTRALIA: Rhetoric or Reality? By A. Peachment and G.S. ReidTOWARDS A NATIONALLY INTEGRATED HEALTH‐WELFARE SYSTEM FOR AUSTRALIA. By Michael CourtMELBOURNE STUDIES IN EDUCATION 1977. Edited by Stephen Murray‐SmithA PLACE OF DIGNITY: Report of a Survey of Homeless People and Homeless Persons Assistance Centres. Published by Department of Social SecurityGOVERNMENT REGULATION AND THE PRINTED MEDIA INDUSTRY. By Kenneth W. Wiltshire and Charles H. StokesTHE CONTROL OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN A FEDERATION: Canadian and Australian Experience. By Garth StevensonAUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN INDONESIA: A Case Study. By Kate ShortADELAIDE AT THE CENSUS 1971: A Social Atlas. By Blair Badcock, Dean Jaensch and Michael WilliamsA NATION FOR A CONTINENT: The History of Australia 1901–1975. By Russel WardBRITISH PATERNALISM AND AFRICA 1920–1940. By Penelope HetheringtonISLANDS AND EMPIRES: Western Impact on the Pacific and East Asia. By Ernest S. DodgeCOMMUNIST PARTY POWER IN KAMPUCHEA (CAMBODIA): Documents and Discussion. Edited by Timothy Michael CarneyCHANGING IDENTITIES IN MODERN SOUTHEAST ASIA. Edited by David J. BanksPOLITICAL CHANGE IN JAPAN. By Taketsugu TsurutaniJAPAN, CHINA AND THE MODERN WORLD ECONOMY: Toward a Re‐interpretation of East Asian Development ca 1600 to ca 1918. By Frances V. MoulderAGRARIAN STRUCTURES AND AGRARIAN REFORM: Exercises in Development Theory and Policy. By S.1. CohenMALAYS AND MODERNIZATION: A Sociological Interpretation. By Tharn Seong CheeTHE CONGRESS IN TAMILNAD: Nationalist Politics in South India, 1919–1937. By David ArnoldTHE NEW INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM. Edited by Robert A. Mundell and Jacques J. PolakINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: A Policymaker Focus. By Robert L. WendzelTHE WORST DISASTER: The Fall of Singapore. By Raymond Callahan.THE SOUTHERN OCEANS AND THE SECURITY OF THE FREE WORLD: New Studies in Global Strategy. Edited by Patrick WallTHE FRENCH POLITY. By William SafranNAPOLEON AND THE RESTORATION OF THE BOURBONS: The completed portion of Macaulay's projected History of France, from the Restoration of the Bourbons to the Accession of Louis Philippe. By Thomas Babington MacaulayPOLAND IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. By M.K. DziewanowskiPOLITICAL CULTURE AND POLITICAL CHANGE IN COMMUNIST STATES. Edited by Archie Brown and Jack GrayWINTER INTO SPRING: The Czechoslovak Press and the Reform Movement, 1963–1968. By Frank L. KaplanTHE HUNGARIAN LABOR SERVICE SYSTEM 1939–1945. By Randolph L. BrahamTRADITION VERSUS REVOLUTION: Russia and the Balkans in 1917. By Robert H. JohnstonC.P. TREVELYAN 1870–1958: Portrait of a Radical. By A.J.A. MorrisSOCIAL CONTROL IN NINETEENTH CENTURY BRITAIN. Edited by A.P. DonajgrodzkiCOLLECTIVE BARGAINING: What You Always Wanted to Know about Trade Unions and Never Dared to Ask. By Clive Jenkins and Barrie ShermanBY COLOUR OF LAW: Legal Culture and Constitutional Politics in England, 1660–1689. By Howard NennerREFORM AND REFORMATION: England 1509–1558. By G.R. EltonTHE POLITICAL WORKS OF JAMES HARRINGTON. Edited by J.G.A. PocockTHE LOCKE READER: Selections from the Works of John Locke with a general introduction and commentary. By John W. YoltonMARX AND EDUCATION IN RUSSIA AND CHINA. By Ronald F. PriceAN INFANTILE DISORDER? The Crisis and Decline of the New Left. By Nigel YoungPOLITICAL PARADOXES AND PUZZLES. By Arun BosePOLITICAL SOCIOLOGY. A Macrosociology of Politics. By Edward W. LehmannFEUERBACH. By Marx W. WartofskyMARX'S ‘CAPITAL’ AND CAPITALISM TODAY. Volume One. By Antony Cutler, Barry Hindess, Paul Hirst and Athar HussainDER ‘FABIER’ EDUARD BERNSTEIN: Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des evolutiončren Sozialismus. By Helmut HirschBERNSTEINS KONSTRUKTIVER SOZIALISMUS: Eduard Bernsteins Beitrag zur Theorie des Sozialismus. Thomas MeyerSCANDAL SENSATION AND SOCIAL DEMOCRACY: The SPD Press and Wilhelmine Germany 1890–1914. By Alex HallIM SCHATTEN DER ARBEITERBEWEGUNG: Zur Geschichte des Anarchismus in Osterreich und DeutschlandTHE IMPACT OF HITLER: British Polltics and British Policy 1933–1940. By Maurice CowlingGERMANY IN THE PACIFIC AND THE FAR EAST. 1870–1914. Edited by John A. Moses and Paul M. Kennedy

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