
Abstract The Colonizer's Model of the World: Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History. James M. Blaut. Reviewed by André Gunder Frank Plundering Paradise: The Struggle for the Environment in the Philippines. Robin Broad with John Cavanagh Reviewed by Martin W. Lewis After the Trees: Living on the Transamazon Highway. Douglas Ian Stewart. Reviewed by Albert L. Rydant Southern Hunting in Black and White: Nature, History, and Ritual in a Carolina Community. Stuart A. Marks. Reviewed by Robert L. Janiskee Passing Strange and Wonderful: Aesthetics, Nature, and Culture. Yi-Fu Tuan. Reviewed by Peter Gould Landscapes of Fear. Perceptions of Nature and the City in the Middle Ages. Vito Fumagalli. Reviewed by David Nicholas Landscape and Power. W. J. T. Mitchell, ed. Reviewed by Jonathan M. Smith The Lost Frontier: Water Diversion in the Growth and Destruction of Owens Valley Agriculture. Robert A. Sauder. Reviewed by Marshall E. Bowen Three Frontiers: Family, Land, and Society in the American West, 1850–1900, and Utah People in the Nevada Desert: Homestead and Community on a Twentieth Century Farmers' Frontier. Dean L. May and Marshall E. Bowen. Reviewed by Robert A. Sauder Trade and Urban Development in Poland: An Economic Geography of Cracow, from Its Origins to 1795. F. W. Carter. Reviewed by Harold E. Gulley All Our People: Population Policy with a Human Face. Klaus M. Leisinger and Karin Schmitt. Reviewed by Robert P. Larkin The Environmental Impact of Railways. T. G. Carpenter. Reviewed by John T. Starr Integrated Public Lands Management: Principles and Applications to National Forests, Parks, Wildlife Refuges, and BLM Lands. John B. Loomis. Reviewed by Lary M. Dilsaver Acting on Ethics in City Planning. Elizabeth Howe. Reviewed by James M. Rubenstein Tourism in the Pacific Rim: Development, Impacts, and Markets. Colin Michael Hall. Reviewed by Judith Ann Moberg Progress in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality Management, Volume 5. C. P. Cooper and A. Lockwood, eds. Reviewed by Klaus J. Meyer-Arendt The roots of Indian Geography: Search and Research. R. L. Singh and Rana P. B. Singh, eds. Reviewed by William A. Noble An Atlas of Vietnam. Vu Tu Lap and Christian Taillard Reviewed by Robert W. McColl Key Words: capitalismcolonialismdiffusionEurocentrismEuropean miracleenvironmental degradationgrassroots environmentalismPhilippinessustainable developmentAmazoniacollective actioncolonizationhuman-environment interactionhuntingNorth Carolinarural Southsocial classeswildlifeaestheticsculturenaturesensesenvironmentItalylandscapemedievalmentalitiesagricultureGreat Basinsettlementwater utilizationcommunity networksFar Westfrontier settlementhomesteadpioneer farmingvalue systemsCracowhistorical geographyPolandtradeurban growthdemographic transitionmodernizationpopulation growthpopulation policysustainable developmentenvironmental impacthigh speed raillandscape changerailwaystransport planningcost-benefit analysisfederal land managementpublic landsresource planningethicsplanningeconomic regionalisminbound tourismoutbound tourismsustainabilityvisitor yearshistory of geographyIndian geographyS. P. Chatterjeeatlascartographyelectronic atlasSoutheast AsiaVietnam

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