
Australia and the pacific Yiwara: Foragers of the Australian Desert, by R. A. Gould. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1969. Pp. vii‐xvi, 3–239. U.S. $8.95. Thinking About Australian Aboriginal Welfare, with particular reference to Western Australia. Edited by Ronald M. Berndt, and with contributions by R. M. Berndt, Katrin Wilson, C. F. Makin, M. V. Robinson, B. McKeich, T. Long, I. Lewis and Catherine H. Berndt. Department of Anthropology, University of Western Australia, 1969. Pp. ix‐xii, 1–41. Journey to Aboriginal Victoria, by A. Massola. Rigby, Adelaide, 1969. Pp. 1–196. $A5.95. The Dark Australians, by D. Baglin and D. R. Moore. Australian and New Zealand Book Co., Sydney and Melbourne, 1970. Pp. 5–136. $A12.50. Die Religionen der Südsee und Australiens, by H. Nevermann, E. A. Worms and H. Petri. W. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart etc., 1968. Pp. 5–329. DM 44. W. E. Giles, A Cruise in a Queensland Labour Vessel to the South Seas. D. Scarr, editor. Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1968. Pp. 124 plus 4 plates. $A5.00. Pacific Market‐places. A collection of essays edited by H. C. Brookfield. Australian National University Press; Canberra, 1969. Pp. i‐xvii, 1–161. $A7.50. The Works of Ta'Unga: Records of a Polynesian Traveller in the South Seas, 1833–1896, by R. G. and M. Crocombe. Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1968. Pp. 164, illustrated. $A6.00. Maori Youth, A Psychoethological Study of Cultural Deprivation, by D. P. Ausubel. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1965 (1961). Pp. 1–221. $A2.25. General Guide to Cultural Anthropology, by C. A. Cone and P. J. Pelto. Scott, Foresman and Co., Atlanta, 1969. Pp. 1–152. $A3.70. Kinship and Family Organization, edited by B. Farber. John Wiley and Sons, New York/London/Sydney, 1966. Pp. v‐ix, 1–459. $A7.30 (paper). Literacy in Traditional Societies, edited by J. Goody. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1968. Pp. 1–350. n.p. The Cochin Tribes and Castes, by L. K. Anantha Krishna Iyer, 2 vols., Madras 1909–1912 (pp. xxx + 366 and xxiii + 504, illus.). Reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corp., New York, 1969, US$45.00. The Coorg Tribes and Castes, by L. A. Krishna Iyer, Madras 1948 (74 pp. illus.). Reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corp., New York, 1969. US$6.00. Javanese Villagers; social relations in rural Modjokuto, by R. R. Jay. The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass, and London, 1969, Pp. i‐xiii, 1–468. $A15.00. Prehispanic Source Materials for the Study of Philippine History, by W. H. Scott. Unitas, Vol. 41, No. 3, The University of Santo Tomas, Manila, 1968. Pp. 276–440. n.p. Religion in Japanese History, by J. M. Kitagawa. Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1966. Pp. i‐xii, 1–475. (Full chronological table, Japanese and English bibliographies.) US$10.00. American Historical Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Leslie Spier, edited by G. L. Riley and W. W. Taylor. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville, 1967. Pp. v‐xiv, 3–255. US$7.50. Rest Days: the Christian Sunday, the Jewish Sabbath, and their historical and anthropological prototypes, by H. Webster, Macmillan, New York, 1916. Reprod. 1968 by Gale Research Co., Detroit Pp. 1–315. US$12.00. The Present State of the Cape of Good Hope, by P. Kolb. Johnson Reprint Corp., New York and London, 1968 (introduction by W. P. Carstens). 2 Vols. [Each vol. with preface by G. Medley: Vol. 1: Pp v‐xi, v‐xviii, 1–365, maps, illustr.; Vol. 2: Pp. iii‐xviii, 1–363, illustr.] US$40.00. Die Masai, by M. Merker. Johnson Reprint Corp., New York and London, 1968 (reprint of 2nd edition, D. Reimer Verlag, Berlin 1910). With original introduction by F. Hommel, and introduction to 2nd edition by Dr. Sander. Pp. v‐xxxi, 1–456, illustr. US$25.00. Sudanese Ethics, by Tore Nordenstam. The Scandanavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala, 1968. Pp. 1–239. Price 15 SW KR (paper bound). The First Civilizations: The Archaeology of their Origins, by Glyn Daniel. Thames and Hudson, London, 1968. Pp. 1–208, 79 plates, 16 text fig. n.p. The Origins of Civilization, by C. L. Riley. Southern Illinois University Press, Feffer and Simons, Inc., London and Amsterdam, 1969. Pp. i‐xii, 1–243, 96 illustr. n.p. Archaeology (Vols. 5 and 6 of The Gentleman's Magazine Library: being a classified collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to 1868), general editor G. L. Gomme. Elliott Stock, London, 1886. 2 vols. Part I, xx ‐j‐ 3355 pages; Part II, xvi + 342 pages. Reissued by Singing Tree Press, a division of Gale Research Company, Detroit, Michigan, 1968. US$24.00, two vols.

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