
Books reviewed:Lester L. Grabbe (ed), Can a History of Israel be Written?Michael Prior (ed), Western Scholarship and the History of PalestineCyrus H. Gordon and Gary A. Rendsburg, The Bible and the Ancient Near EastTilde Binger, Asherah: Goddesses in Ugarit, Israel and the Old TestamentBen Witherington The Paul Quest: The Renewed Search for the Jew of TarsusRobert Valantasis, The Gospel of Thomas (New Testament Readings)Moshe Halbertal, People of the Book: Canon, Meaning and AuthorityWilliam J. Abraham, Canon and Criterion in Christian Theology: From the Fathers to FeminismRoger Haight, Jesus: Symbol of GodRaymund Schwager, translated by James G. Williams and Paul Haddon, Jesus in the Drama of Salvation: Towards a Biblical Doctrine of RedemptionRaymund Schwager, translated by James G. Williams, Jesus of Nazareth: How He Understood His LifeA. E. McGrath, Historical Theology. An Introduction to the History of Christian ThoughtC. Markschies, Between Two Worlds: Structures of Earliest ChristianityKhaled Anatolios, Athanasius: The Coherence of his ThoughtLeonard P. Hindsley, The Mystics of Engelthal: Writings from a Medieval MonasteryKent Emery, Jr., and Joseph Wawrykow (eds), Christ among the Medieval Dominicans: Representations of Christ in the Texts and Images of the Order of PreachersFrederick Christian Bauerschmidt, Julian of Norwich and the Mystical Body Politic of Christ (Studies in Spirituality and Theology 5)Pat Collins, Spirituality for the 21st Century: Christian Living in a Secular AgeTimothy O'Connell, Making DisciplesGordon Lathrop, Holy People: A Liturgical EcclesiologyStratford Caldecott (ed), Beyond the Prosaic: Renewing the Liturgical MovementMichael Hurley, Christian Unity: An Ecumenical Second Spring?John M. Riddle, Eve's Herbs: A History of Contraception and Abortion in the WestJ. Davies, Death, Burial and Rebirth in the Religions of AntiquitySimon Price, Religions of the Ancient GreeksKarsten Friis Johansen, A History of Ancient Philosophy from the Beginnings to AugustineA. A. Long (ed), The Cambridge Companion to Early Greek PhilosophyC. C. W. Taylor, The Atomists: Leucippus and Democritus: FragmentsGail Fine (ed), Oxford Readings in Philosophy: Plato. Vol. 1: Metaphysics and Epistemology, Vol. 2: Ethics, Politics, Religion and the SoulNoburu Notomi, The Unity of Plato's ‘Sophist’: Between the ‘Sophist’ and the ‘Philosopher’Helen S. Lang, The Order of Nature in Aristotle's The Order of Nature in Aristotle's ‘Physics’M. S. Kempshall, The Common Good in Late Medieval Political ThoughtGiordano Bruno. Edited and translated by Richard J. Blackwell and Robert de Lucca, Cause, Principle and Unity – And Essays on Magic

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