
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown: the armed forces and politics in Indonesia Suharto and His Generals: Indonesian Military Politics 1975–1983. David Jenkins, New York and London: Cornell University Press. 1984. 280pp. $12.50 The Army and Politics in Indonesia. Harold Crouch, New York and London: Cornell University Press. 1978. 377pp. $37.50 The Road to Power. Indonesian Military Politics 1945–1967. Ulf Sundhaussen, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. 1982. 304pp. £28.00 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1985. Department of State, Washington DC: Department of State. 1986. 1440pp. n/p Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1985: Israel. Department of State, Washington DC: Department of State. 1986. 25pp. n/p The Economist Human Rights Guide. Charles Humana, London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1986. 344pp. £19.95 Superpower Rivalry and Third World Radicalism: The Idea of National Liberation. S Neil McFarlane, London: Croom Helm. 1985. 238pp. £19.95 Encyclopedia of the United Nations and International Agreements. Edmund Jan Osmanczyk, Philadelphia and London: Taylor and Francis. 1986. 1059pp. $160 Technological Capability in the Third World. Edited by Martin Fransman and Kenneth King, London: Macmillan. 1984. 404pp. £29.50. £8.95pb Options for Developing Countries in Mining Development. George W Walrond and Raj Kumar, London: Macmillan. 1986. 205pp. £27.50 Women: A World Report. A New Internationalist Book. Edited by Debbie Taylor, London: Methuen. 1985. 376pp. £4.95pb Women of El Salvador: The Price of Freedom. Marilyn Thompson, London: Zed for Comision de Derechos Humanos de El Salvador and War on Want. 1986. 165pp. £16.95. £5.95pb For Their Triumphs and For Their Tears: Women in Apartheid South Africa. Hilda Bernstein, London: International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa. 1985. 136pp. £3.50pb ’It's Like Holding the Key to Your Own Jail’: Women in Namibia. Caroline Allison, Geneva: World Council of Churches. 1986. 71pp. £2.95pb Angolan Women: Building the Future: From National Liberation to Women's Emancipation. Organisation of Angolan Women, London: Zed. 1984. 151pp. £14.95. £5.95pb Women in Nigeria Today. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, London: Zed. 1985. 257pp. £18.95. £6.95pb The Road to Zimbabwe, 1890–1980. Anthony Verrier, London: Jonathan Cape. 1986. 364pp. £16.00 The OAU After Twenty Years. Amadu Sesay, Olusola Ojo and Orobola Fasehun, Boulder, Colorado: Westview (distributed in the UK by IPI). 1984. 133p. £24.00pb The Family in Contemporary Egypt. Andrea B Rugh, New York: Syracuse University Press. 1984. 305pp. $32.00. $14.95pb Sikh Separatism: The Politics of Faith. Rajiv A Kapur, London: Allen and Unwin. 1986. 272pp. £20.00 An Introduction to Shi'i Islam. The History and Doctrines of Twelver Shi'ism. Moojan Momen, London: Yale University Press. 1985. 397pp. £18.50 Shi'ism and Social Protest. Edited by Juan R I Cole and Nikki R Keddie, London: Yale University Press. 1986. 325pp. £35.00. £9.95pb The Role of the Military in Politics: A Case Study of Iraq to 1941. Mohammad A Tarbush, London: Kegan Paul International. 1982. 187pp. £8.95pb Access to Justice—The Struggle for Human Rights in South East Asia. Edited by Harry M Scoble and Laurie S Wiseman, London: Zed. 1985. 224pp. £6.95 Human Rights Activism in Asia: Some Perspectives, Problems and Approaches. Asian Coalition of Human Rights Organisations (ACHRO), New York: Council on International and Public Affairs/International Center for Law and Development. 1984. 77pp. n/p Chinese Democracy: The Individual and the State in Twentieth‐Century China. Andrew J Nathan, London: I B Tauris. 1986. 315pp. £16.50 The Economies of Central America. John Weeks, New York: Holmes and Meier. 1985. 209 pp. n/p Jose Marti: Architect of Cuba's Freedom. Peter Turton, London: Zed. 1986. 159pp. £18.95. £6.95pb Agrarian Reform and Rural Poverty: A Case Study of Peru. Tom Alberts, Boulder, Colorado: Westview. 1983. 306pp. £19.75pb Miners, Peasants and Entrepreneurs: Regional Developments in the Central Highlands of Peru. Norman Long and Bryan Roberts, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1984. 288pp. £25.00 Peruvian Contexts of Change. Edited by William Stein, Rutgers, New Jersey: Transaction Books (distributed in the UK by CLIO). 1985. £25.40 I The Supreme. Augusto Roa Bastos, New York: Knopf. 1986. 433pp. $18.95

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