
Abstract Abstract Principles and Practice of Bandaging. By G. G. Davis, M. D. Blakiston's Sons & Co., Philadelphia, 1911. Third edition. 8vo. 128 pp. $1.00. Reminiscences of An Athlete. Twenty Years on Track and Field. By Ellery H. Clark, All-round athletic champion of America, 1897, 1903. All-round athletic champion of New England, 1896, 1897, 1909, 1910. Illustrated. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston and New York, 1911. 5 × 7. 196 pp. $1.25 net. History of the Human Body. By Harris Hawthorne Wilder, Professor of Zoölogy, Smith College. Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1909. 6 × 8½ inches. 573 pp. Illustrated. $3.00. A Manual of Marching. By George A. Cornell. Edited by Elmer Berry, Professor International Young Men's Christian Association Training School, Springfield, Mass. Third edition. Adopted as the official manual of marching by the Y. M. C. A. Physical Directors' Society. The Seminar Publishing Co., Springfield, Mass., December, 1911. 71 pp. Paper. 25 cents. A System of English Terminology for Swedish Educational Gymnastics. Adopted and published by the Physical Training Club, England. Charles Luff, Slough, Bucks, England, 1911. 33 pp. 94 figures. Paper. 1s. 2d. Annals of Educational Progress in 1910. A report upon the current educational activities throughout the world. By John Palmer Garber, Ph. D., associate superintendent of schools, Philadelphia. Lippincott, Philadelphia and London, 1911. 396 pp. $1.25. The Individual in the Making. A suggestive view of child development with suggestions for parents and teachers. By E. A. Kirkpatrick, B. S., M. Ph. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, New York and Chicago, 1911. 5×8 inches. 333 pp. $1.25. Dances, Drills and Entertainments. By Gertrude Williams-Lundgren, physical director of the Young Women's Christian Association, Burlington, la. Published privately, 1911. 52 pp. Paper. 75 cents. Physical Training In and Out of School. William Torrey Harris, LL. D. Bardeen, Syracuse, N. Y., 1910. 35 pp. 30 cents. Harper's Camping and Scouting. An outdoor guide for American boys. Consulting editors, George Bird Grinnell, Editor Forest and Stream; Dr. Eugene L. Swan, Director Pine Island Camp. Illustrated. Harper Bros., New York and London, 1911. 5 × 8 inches. 398 pp. $1.75. De l'Hygiene Pre-Scolaire au Point de Vue de l'Arrieration Mentale. Par le Dr. Armand Laurent. pp. 41. Henry Paulin & Cie, 21 Rue Hautefeuille, Paris. Reviewed by Geo. L. Meylan, M. D. Quelques Mots sur L'Arrieration Mentale. Par le Dr. Armand Laurent, pp. 28. J. Girieud, 58 rue des Carmes, Rouen, France. America's National Game. By A. G. Spalding. American Sports Publishing Company, New York, 1911. 542 pp. $2.00.

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