
Book reviewed in this article: Policy‐Making in the European Communities, edited by Helen Wallace, William Wallace and Carole Webb, John Wiley, London Andean Pact Technology Policies, Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa Technology Policy and Economic Development: a summary report on studies undertaken by the Board of the Cartagena Agreement for the Andean Pact Integration Process, Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa Economy and Social in the EEC: Spatial Perspectives, edited by Roger Lee and P. E. Ogden. Saxon House, Farnborough, Hants Migration in Post‐War Enrope: Geographical Essays, edited by John Salt and Hugh Clout. Oxford University Press, London Cold War to Détente, by Colin Brown and Peter Mooney. Heinemann Educational Books, London Beyond Détente: Prospects for East‐West co‐operation and securio in Europe, edited by Nils Andrén and Karl E. Birnbaum. A. W. Sijthoff, Leyden The EEC and the Mediterranean Countries, edited by Avi Shlaim and G. N. Yannopoulos, Cambridge The Law of the European Economic Community, edited by Hans Smit and Peter E. Herzog, 5 Volumes, Matthew Bender for the Columbia Law School, New York Interdependence: The European‐American Connection in the Global Context, by Gerhard Mally. Lexington Books, Teakfield, Farnborough How Others See Us: Critical Choices for Americans, Volume III, by Lloyd A. Free. Lexington Books, Teakfield, Farnborough Economic Integration: Worldwide, Regional Sectoral, edited by Fritz Machlup. Macmillan, London A History of Thought on Economic Integration, Fritz Machlup, Macmillan, London Europe &Money, Peter Coffey, Macmillan, London The Politics and Economics of European Monetav Integration, by Loukas Tsoukalis, George Allen &Unwin, London L'Union Économique et Monétaire 1970–1973, by Hans J. Dörsch, Jean‐Victor Louis and Marc Michiels, Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles L'Europe des Crises, by Robert Triffin, Raymond Aron, Raymond Barre, Rene Ewalenko. Emile Bruyant, Bruxelles The British People: Their Voice in Europe, by the Hansard Society. Saxon House, London

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