
In Book Reviews, we review an extensive and diverse range of books. They cover theory and applications in operations research, statistics, management science, econometrics, mathematics, computers, and information systems. In addition, we include books in other fields that emphasize technical applications. The editor will be pleased to receive an e-mail from those willing to review a book, with an indication of specific areas of interest. If you are aware of a specific book that you would like to review, or that you think should be reviewed, please contact the editor. The following books are reviewed in this issue of Interfaces, 42(2), March-April 2012: Red Plenty: Industry! Progress! Abundance! – Inside the Fifties' Soviet Dream, Francis Spufford; Sports Data Mining, Robert P. Schumaker, Osama K. Solieman, and Hsinchun Chen; Foundations of Optimization, Osman Güler; Stochastic Processes with Applications to Reliability Theory, Toshio Nakagawa; Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery via Logic-Based Methods, Evangelos Triantaphyllou; Random-Like Multiple Objective Decision Making, Jiuping Xu and Liming Yao.

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