
These reviews remind us that although they are aimed at helping you reach a purchase decision on the book, perhaps more importantly, they are intended to enlighten you in emerging areas of product and service development. New books are perfect for learning about new trends or extensions of the knowledge base, and they allow you to delve into allied areas that are likely to affect your career in product innovation.Thus, Ruediger Klein reviews our first non‐English book, which will expose non‐German readers to a German view of software management and product management. Carla Kuesten gives us an in‐depth view of a single industry—the food industry—with lessons that readers can probably translate to their field. For future issues, we have a lawyer reviewing books on intellectual property protection, and another review will cover current topics in China regarding product development.Please let us know of other tangents we should be covering. Books reviewed in this issue: The PDMA ToolBook 2 for New Product Development Democratizing Innovation The Business of Software Software‐Produkt‐Management New Food Product Development: From Concept to Marketplace

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