
Book reviewed in this article:Survey of Research in Gestation and the Developmental Sciences By JACK DaviesAn Outline of Chemical Genetics By BERNARD S. STRAUSSInborn Errors of Metabolism By DAVID YI‐YUNG HSIAPolysaccharides in Biology: Transactions of the Fifth Conference Edited by GEORGE F. SPRINGERExperimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis and the ‘Auto‐Allergic’ Diseases By BYRON H. WAKSMANRapid Statistical Calculations By M. H. QuenouilleClinical Management of Behaviour Disorders in Children By H. AND Ruth M. BakwinSir Geoffrey Jefferson's Selected Papers Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. ThomasDer Liquor cerebrospinalis im Kindesalter. (In German) By D. H. SchonenbergInfectious Diseases of Children By Saul Krugmanand Robert WardBlood Diseases of Infancy and Childhood By Carl H. SmithTreatment of Cerebral Palsy in Norway By Bjarne AndersenAn Annotated Bibliography of Selected References in Cerebral Palsy for Professional Personnel and Parents By L. L. Reid, M. M. Miller AND W. G. WolfeDevelopment of the Perceptual World By C. M. Solley AND G. MurphyThe Child's Conception of Geometry By Jean Piaget, B. Inhelder AND A. SzeminskaSpace and Sight: The Perception of Space and Shape in Congenitally Blind Patients, before and after Operation By M. Von SendenIntelligence and Attainment Tests By P. E. VernonMental Subnormality By W. Alan Heaton‐Ward

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