
BEYOND POWER: ON WOMEN, MEN, AND MORALS, Marilyn French. New York: Summit Books, 640 pp., out of print. Reviewed by Thelma Jean Goodrich THE MERMAID AND THE MINOTAUR: SEXUAL ARRANGMENTS AND HUMAN MALAISE, Dorothy Dinnerstein. New York: Other Press, 1999, 288 pp., $20.00 (Clothcover). Reviewed by Thelma Jean Goodrich SAME DIFFERENCE: HOW GENDER MYTHS ARE HURTING OUR RELATIONSHIPS, OUR CHILDREN, AND OUR JOBS, Rosalind Barnett and Caryl Rivers. New York, Basic Books, 2004. 289 pp., $25.00 (Clothcover), $14.95 (Papercover).Reviewed by Ashley Harvey. UNBENDING GENDER: WHY FAMILY AND WORK CONFLICT AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT, Joan Williams. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, 352 pp., $30.00 (Clothcover), $16.95 (Papercover).Reviewed by Ashley Harvey. HALVING IT ALL: HOW EQUALLY SHARED PARENTING WORKS, Francine Deutsch. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999, 327pp., $24.95 (Clothcover), $14.95 (Papercover).Reviewed by Ashley Harvey. THE WAY WE NEVER WERE: AMERICAN FAMILIES AND THE NOSTALGIA TRAP, Stephanie Coontz. New York: Basic Books, 1992, 391pp., $27.00 (Clothcover), $19.50 (Papercover). Reviewed by Ashley Harvey. LOVE BETWEEN EQUALS: HOW PEER MARRIAGE REALLY WORKS [FORMERLY PEER MARRIAGE: HOW LOVE BETWEEN EQUALS REALLY WORKS], Pepper Schwartz. New York: Free Press, 1994, 224pp., $14.95 (Papercover). Reviewed by Kristen Holm. FEMINIST FAMILY THERAPY: A CASEBOOK, Thelma Jean Goodrich, Cheryl Rampage, Barbara Ellman, and Kris Halstead. New York: Norton, 1988, 220 pp., out of print. Reviewed by Thorana Nelson. WOMEN IN FAMILIES: A FRAMEWORK FOR FAMILY THERAPY, Monica McGoldrick, Carol M. Anderson, and Froma Walsh (Eds.), New York: Norton, 1991, 498pp., $34.95 (Clothcover). Reviewed by Thorana Nelson. WOMEN IN CONTEXT: TOWARD A FEMINIST RECONSTRUCTION OF PSYCHOTHERAPY, Marcia P. Mirkin. New York: Guilford, 1994,502pp., $62.00 (Clothcover). Reviewed by Thorana Nelson. WOMEN AND POWER: PERSPECTIVES FOR FAMILY THERAPY, Thelma Jean Goodrich (Ed.). New York: Norton, 1991, 306 pp., out of print. Reviewed by Thorana Nelson. THE INVISIBLE WEB: GENDER PATTERNS IN FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS, Marianne Walters, Betty Carter, Peggy Papp, and Olga Silverstein. New York: Guilford, 1991, 422 pp., $42.00 (Clothcover), $27.00 (Papercover). Reviewed by Thorana Nelson. DANCE OF ANGER: A WOMAN'S GUIDE TO CHANGING THE PATTERNS OF INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS, Harriet Lerner. New York: Harper, 1985, 256pp., $14.00 (Papercover). Reviewed by Thorana Nelson. DANCE OF INTIMACY: A WOMAN'S GUIDE TO COURAGEOUS ACTS OF CHANGE IN KEY RELATIONSHIPS, Harriet Lerner. New York: Harper, 1989, 272 pp., $14.00 (Papercover). Reviewed by Thorana Nelson. IN A DIFFERENT VOICE: PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY AND WOMEN'S DEVELOPMENT, Carol Gilligan. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993, 216pp., $13.95 (Papercover). Reviewed by Thorana Nelson. THE COURAGE TO RAISE GOOD MEN, Olga Silverstein and Beth Rashbaum. New York: Penguin, 1994, 288pp., $15.00 (Papercover). Reviewed by Thorana Nelson. THE CHALICE AND THE BLADE: OUR HISTORY, OUR FUTURE, Riane Eisler. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1988, 304pp., $29.75 (Clothcover), $18.00 (Papercover). Reviewed by Frank Pittman. THE CREATION OF PATRIARCHY, Gerda Lerner. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986, 344 pp., $35.00 (Clothcover), $18.95 (Papercover). Reviewed by Frank Pittman. SAME DIFFERENCE: HOW GENDER MYTHS ARE HURTING OUR RELATIONSHIPS, DREAMS OF TRESPASS: TALES OF A HAREM GIRLHOOD, Fatima Mernissi. New York: Perseus Books, 1994, 242 pp., $23.00 (Clothcover), $17.00 (Papercover) Reviewed by Janine Roberts. THE WOMEN'S ROOM, Marilyn French. New York: Ballantine Books, 1977, 512 pp., $7.50 (Papercover). Reviewed by Pepper Schwartz. AGAINST OUR WILL: MEN, WOMEN, AND RAPE, Susan Brownmiller. New York: Ballentine, 1975, 480pp., $15.00 (Papercover). Reviewed by Pepper Schwartz. THE DIALECTIC OF SEX: THE CASE FOR FEMINIST REVOLUTION, Shulamith Firestone. New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970, 240 pp., $14.00 (Pap er cover). Reviewed by Pepper Schwartz. FEAR OF FLYING, Erica Jong. New York: Signet, 1973, 340pp., $7.95 (Papercov er). Reviewed by Pepper Schwartz. TROUBLING THE ANGELS: WOMEN LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS, Patti Lather and Chris Smithies. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1997, 252pp., $52.00 (Clothcover), $28.00 (Papercover). Reviewed by Markie Twist. THE WAY WE NEVER WERE: AMERICAN FAMILIES AND THE NOSTALGIA TRAP, Stephanie Coontz. New York: Basic Books, 1992, 391pp., $27.00 (Clothcover), $19.50 (Papercover). Reviewed by Kaethe Weingarten.

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