
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes Jules Laforgue, ‘Une Étude sur Corbière’, Mélanges Posthumes. Ed. Philippe Bonnefis (Paris: Ressources, 1979), p. 121. Alexander R. Galloway, Gaming (University of Minnesota Press, 2006), p. 2. Friedrich Kittler ‘There is no Software’, http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=74. Last accessed 13 February 2008. Gilles Deleuze, ‘Postscript on Control Societies’, in Negotiations, translated by Martin Joughin (Columbia University Press, 1995), p. 182. John Arquilla and David Ronfeld, ‘Fight Networks with Networks. http://www.rand.org/publications/randreview/issues/rr.12.01/fullalert.html, last accessed 22 February 2008. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, translated by Brian Massumi (Continuum, 2004), p. 551. From the introduction to Iain Sinclair ed. Conductors of Chaos: A Poetry Anthology (London: Picador, 1996), p. xviii. Barry provides us with many amusing anecdotes and gossipy letters. Sometimes Barry himself makes an appearance at the events. For example, at one point Barry quotes from an account of the poet Kathleen Raine who gave a reading at Earls Court in 1976. She was clearly disgusted by the state of the premises as well as the ‘nameless boors who hung around the bar until they deigned to come upstairs (late) bringing their beer with them’. A little further on Barry admits, ‘I write as one of the nameless boors hanging around the bar that day and eventually coming upstairs late with my beer’ (pp. 164–5)! All the books listed are published by Manchester University Press. ‘British Poetry Revival’ is a loose term used to describe disparate poets of the 1960s and 1970s who deliberately continued a modernist aesthetic counter to that of the prevailing poetic taste of the period. Robert Sheppard, The Poetry of Saying: British Poetry and its Discontents 1950 – 2000 (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2005) and Andrew Duncan The Failure of Conservatism in Modern British Poetry (Cambridge: Salt, 2003). Peter Middleton, Distant Reading: Performance, Readership, and Consumption in Contemporary Poetry (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2005) and Anthony Mellors Late Modernist Poetics from Pound to Prynne (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2005), both of which are highly recommended. See, for example, Lopez's excellent False Memory (Cambridge: Salt, 2003). Andrew Duncan Origins of the Underground: British Poetry Between Apocryphon and Incident Light 1933–79 (Cambridge: Salt, 2008).

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