
V. Kubalkova and A. A. Cruickshank, Marxism‐Leninism and Theory of International Relations. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1980, pp. 411. £UK14.75 Carsten Holbraad, Superpowers and International Conflict. Macmillan, London, 1979. 178pp. $A39.95. P. J. Boyce, Foreign Affairs for New States: Some Questions of Credentials. University of Queensland Press, 1977, pp. xii 289. $17.95. Ralph Pettman, Small Power Politics and International Relations in South‐East Asia. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976, pp. 160. $6.75. Stewart Harris, "Its Coming Yet . . .”: An Aboriginal Treaty within Australia, Between Australians. The Aboriginal Treaty Committee, Canberra, distributed by Angus and Robertson (Australia), Sydney, 1979, pp. 87. $6.95. Alexander Mamak and Grant McCall (eds.), Paradise Postponed: Essays on Research and Development in the South Pacific. Perfamon Press, Rushcutters Bay, 1978, pp. 217. $9.95. Alexander Mamak, Colour, Culture and Conflict: A Study of Pluralism in Fiji. Pergamon Press, Rushcutters Bay, 1978, pp. 203. $9.95. John Connell, Taint Bilong Mani: The Evoluation of Agriculture in a Solomon Island Society. Development Studies Centre Monograph No. 12, Australian National University, 1978, pp. xii., 274. $A9.00. Samuel S. Kim, China, The United Nations and World Order. Princeton University Press, Princeton N. J., 1979, pp. 551. $US41.00. Harry G. Gelber, Technology, Defence, and External Relations in China, 1975–78. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1979, pp. 235. $US18.50. Stuart E. Johnson with Joseph A. Yager, The Military Equation in North‐East Asia. The Brookings Institution, Washington, D. C., 1979, pp. 87. $US35.35. Anthony Reid and David Marr (eds.), Perceptions of the Past in South‐East Asia. ience Heinemann Asia, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, for ASAA South‐East Asia Publications Series, 1979, pp. 436. $21.50 (cloth), $9.50 (paper). Matsumoto (ed.), South‐East Asia in a Changing World. Institute of Developing Economics, Tokyo, 1980, pp. 242. $US15.00. Bill Nicol, Timor. The Stillborn Nation. Visa Books, Melbourne, 1978, pp. x 328. $8.95. R. J. May (ed.), The Indonesian‐Papua New Guinea Border: Irianese Nationalism and Small State Diplomacy. Department of Political and Social Change Working Paper No. 2, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, August 1979, pp. ii 142. $3.00. James C. Jackson and Martin Rudner (eds.), Issues in Malaysian Development. Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd, Singapore, for the Asian Studies Association of Australia, 1979, pp. 418. $19.50 (cloth), $9.80 (paper). Michael Stenson, Class, Race and Colonialism in West Malaysia. The Indian Case. University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 1980, pp. 234. $15.95. Peter Gordon Gowing, Muslim Filipinos—Heritage and Horizon. New Day Publishers, Quezon City, 1979, pp. 286. No price given. Andrew Beveridge and Anthony Oberschall, African Businessmen and Development in Zambia. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1979, pp. 382. $US28.50. Sven Lindqvist, Land and Power in South America. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1979, pp. 333. $6.95. SIPRI, Warfare in a Fragile World: Military Impact on the Human Environment. Taylor and Francis, London, 1980, 249 pages. £9 or $US27.50. SIPRI, Chemical Weapons: Destruction and Conversion. Taylor and Francis, London, 1980, 201 pages £6.50. Justus D. Doenecke, Not to the Swift: the Old Isolation in the Cold War Era. Associated University Press, N. J., 1979. pp. 289. $US8.95.

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