
Abstract The Design of Experiments, by R. A. Fisher, Third Edition. London: Oliver and Boyd, Ltd. 1942. xi, 236 pp. 12/6. Reviewed by Lowell J. Reed Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research, by R. A. Fisher and F. Yates, Second Edition. London: Oliver and Boyd, Ltd. 1943. viii, 98 pp. 13/6. Reviewed by Lowell J. Reed Vital Statistics Rates in the United States: 1900–1940, by Forrest E. Linder and Robert D. Grove under the supervision of Halbert L. Dunn, M.D. Bureau of the Census, Washington: Superintendent of Documents. 1943. vii, 1051 pp. $1.75. Reviewed by Paul M. Densen Statistical Analysis in Biology, by K. Mather. New York: Interscience Publishers, Inc. 1943. 247 pp. $4.50. Reviewed by W. G. Cochran The Statistical Study of Literary Vocabulary, by G. Udny Yule. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1944. ix, 306 pp. $6.00. Reviewed by Paul R. Rider Readings in Business Cycle Theory, selected by a Committee of the American Economic Association. Philadelphia: The Blakiston Company. 1944. xvi, 494 pp. $3.75. Reviewed by Wilbert G. Fritz Economic Fluctuations in the United States, by Edwin Frickey. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Harvard Economic Studies 173. 1942. xxi, 375 pp. $5.00. Reviewed by Elmer C. Bratt Postwar Monetary Plans and Other Essays, by John H. Williams. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1944. viii, 297 pp. $2.50. Reviewed by Dickson H. Leavens Canada's Financial System in War, by Benjamin H. Higgins. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. 1944. 82 pp. 50 cents. Reviewed by William H. Wynne Steel in Action, by Charles M. Parker. Lancaster, Pennsylvania: The Jacques Cattell Press. 1943. vi, 221 pp. $2.50. Reviewed by Marion Worthing The Geography of World Air Transport, by J. Parker Van Zandt. Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1944. viii, 67 pp. $1.00. Reviewed by Paul T. David New Firms and Free Enterprise, by Alfred R. Oxenfeldt. Washington: American Council on Public Affairs. 1943. ii, 196 pp. $2.50. Reviewed by E. D. McGarry The Labor Force in Wartime America, by Clarence D. Long. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. 1944. 73 pp. 50 cents. Reviewed by Leonard Eskin Wage Determination under Trade Unions, by John T. Dunlop. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1944. ix, 231 pp. $3.50. Reviewed by Jacob Grauman Gauging Public Opinion, by Hadley Cantril. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1944. xi, 318 pp. $3.75. Reviewed by Louis H. Bean The Structure of Soviet Wages, by Abram Bergson. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 1944. xiv, 255 pp. $3.50. Reviewed by Philip Taft Institutions Serving Children, by Howard W. Hopkirk. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1944. xiv, 244 pp. $2.00. Reviewed by Elsa Castendyck

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