
Great Britain And Ireland S. H. Rigby, A medieval mercantile community: the Grocers’ Company and the politics and trade of London, 1000‐1485Peter Clark, The history of an English borough: Stratford‐upon‐Avon, 1196‐1996Donald Woodward, The new draperies in the Low Countries and England, 1300‐1800J. R. Wordie, Alternative agriculture: a history from the Black Death to the present dayRobert Tittler, English counties and public building, 1650‐1830Michael Turner, Parliamentary enclosure in England: an introduction to its causes, incidence and impact, 1750‐1850 Jeremy Gregory, Aspects of the Georgian church: visitation studies of the diocese of York, 1761‐1776Richard Whatmore, Progress, poverty and population: re‐reading Condorcet, Godwin and Malthus R. G. Wilson, The diary of Robert Sharp of South Cave: life in a Yorkshire village, 1812‐1837Peter Cain, Free trade and Liberal England, 1846‐1946John Sheail, A history of water in modern England and WalesKenneth D. Brown, Religion, business and wealth in modern BritainPenny Starns, Labour, social policy and the welfare stateJohn F. Wilson, Finance in the age of the corporate economyPeter Howlett, Governance, industry and labour markets in Britain and France: the modernising state in the mid‐twentieth century General Sitta Von Reden, Warriors into traders: the power of the market in early GreeceChristopher Dyer, The growth of the medieval city: from late antiquity to the early fourteenth century; idem, The later medieval city, 1300‐1500Colin Heywood, Burgundy to Champagne: the wine trade in early modern FranceHugh Clout, The brandy trade under the ancien regime: regional specialisation in the CharenteDavid Ormrod, The first modern economy: success, failure, and perseverance of the Dutch economy, 1500‐1815Ted Wilson, Merchants, bankers, middlemen: the Amsterdam money market during the first half of the 19th centuryMichael Wintle, The economic history of the Netherlands, 1914‐1995: a small open economy in the ‘long’ twentieth century Henry Roseveare, From the North Sea to the Baltic: essays in commercial, monetary and agrarian history, 1500‐1800 J. K. J. Thomson, State corporatism and proto‐industry: the Württemberg Black Forest, 1580‐1797Alan Dyer, Urban decline in early modern Germany: Schwäbisch Hall and its region, 1650‐1750Michael Palairet, Rebuilding the financial system in central and eastern Europe, 1918‐1994 Catherine R. Schenk, Monetary standards and exchange ratesA. Slaven , European enterprise: strategies of adaptation and renewal in the twentieth century John J. Mccusker, Tobacco in the Atlantic trade: the Chesapeake, London and Glasgow, 1675‐1775John Killick, Trading beyond the mountains: the British fur trade on the Pacific, 1793‐1843Timothy J. Lockley, From Calabar to Carter’s Grove: the history of a Virginia slave communityS. J. Kleinberg, Civic wars: democracy and public life in the American city during the nineteenth centuryArni Sverrisson, Endless novelty: specialty production and American industrialization, 1865‐1925Gary Herrigel, Steel phoenix: the fall and rise of the US steel industryPeter Coates, Wetlands of the American Midwest: a historical geography of changing attitudesRobert G. Greenhill, Studies in the history of Latin American economic thoughtChristopher J. Napier, The development of accounting in an inter‐national context: a festschrift in honour of R. H. Parker

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