
Book reviewed in this article:20th Century Legal Philosophy Series. Volume VII: Law and Morality. By Leon Petrazycki, translated by Hugh W. Babb, with an Introduction by Nicholas S. Timasheff. [Harvard University Press; London: Geoffrey Cumberlege. xlvi and 335 pp. 60s. net.]Prediction Methods in Relation to Borstal Training. Studies in the Causes of Delinquency and the Treatment of Offenders. I. By Hermann Mannheim and Leslie T. Wilkins. With a Foreword by Sir Frank Newsam. [London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1955. viii and 276 pp. 17s. 6d.]New Zealand: The Development of Its Laws and Constitution. Under the general editorship of J. L. Robson, ll.m., ph.d. [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1954. xix and 884 pp. £2 10s. net.]Law and Politics in the World Community. Edited by G. A. Lipsky. [Berkeley: University of California Press; London: Cambridge University Press. 1954. xx and 373 pp. 45s.]The University Teaching of Social Sciences: Law. Report prepared by Charles Eisenmann, Professor at the University of Paris, for the International Committee of Comparative Law. [UNESCO; translated from the French. 133 pp. 6s.]Emmet on Title. Fourteenth edition by J. Gilchrist Smith. Volume I. [London: The Solicitors Law Stationery Society. 1955. xcix and 686 pp. £4 net.]Chttty on Contracts, Twenty‐first Edition. Volume 1: General Principles. Edited by Kenneth Scott, m.a., and Bryan Clauson, m.a. With Supplement to September 1, 1955. By Barry Chedlow. Volume 2: Specific Contracts. Edited by Peter Allsop, m.a., Barry Chedlow, Bryan Clauson, m.a., Raoul P. Colinvaux, C. Grunfeld, m.a., ll.b., R. A. MacCrindle, ll.b., Clive M. Schmitthoff, ll.m., ll.d., D. A. L. Smout, m.a., ll.b., ll.m. With Supplement to September 1, 1955. By Barry Chedlow. [London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd. 1955. Volume 1: clxiv and 836 pp. Volume 2: cxxxi and 744 pp. £7 15s. net.]Chitty's Mercantile Contracts. Edited by Barry Chedlow. [London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd. 1955. lx and 673 pp. £2 15s. net.]Outlines of Industrial Law. By W. Mansfield Cooper, ll.m., of Gray's Inn, Barrister‐at‐Law. Professor of Industrial and Commercial Law in the University of Manchester. Second Edition. [London: Butterworth & Co. (Publishers), Ltd. 1954. lxi and 378 and (index) 21 pp. 30s. net.]A Manual of the Law of Real Property. By R. E. Megarry, m.a., ll.b. Of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister‐at‐Law. Second Edition. [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1955. lii and 646 pp. 37s. 6d. net.]The Conflict of Laws. By Professor R. H. Graveson. Third Edition [London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd. 1956. xxiv and 505 pp. 40s. net.]American‐Dutch Private International Law. By Professor R. D. Kollewijn, University of Leiden. Bilateral Studies in Private International Law. Arthur Nussbaum, Editor. No. 3. Columbia University in the City of New York. Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law. Willis L. M. Reese, Director. 1955. 63 pp. [Distributed by Oceana Publications Inc., 43 West 16th Street, New York 11, N.Y., Price $2.]Bodin. Six Books of the Commonwealth. Translated and Selected by M. J. Tooley. [Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 212 pp. 15s. net.]Introduction to English Law. Third Edition. By Philip S. James, m.a., of the Inner Temple, Barrister‐at‐Law, Professor of Law in the University of Leeds. [London: Butterworth & Co. (Publishers), Ltd. 1955. xxvi and 454 and (index) 28 pp. 15s. net.]A First Book of English Law. Third Edition. By O. Hood Phillips, m.a., b.c.l., of Gray's Inn, Barrister‐at‐Law, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Barber Professor of Jurisprudence in the University of Birmingham. [London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd. 1955. xxiv and 298 pp. (including the index). 17s. 6d. net.]Hatred, Ridicule or Contempt: A Book of Libel Cases. By Joseph Dean. [London: Pan Books Ltd. 1955. 251 pp. 2s.]Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council, 1946–1951. [New York: United Nations; London: H.M.S.O. 1954. xi and 514 pp. 37s. 6d.]Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs. Volume 1, Arts. 1–22, xi and 742 pp. 25s.; Volume 2, Arts. 23–54, v and 467 pp. 25s.; Volume 3, Arts. 55–72, v and 596 pp. 25s.; Volume 4, Arts. 73–91, v and 461 pp. 25s.; Volume 5, Arts. 92–111, v and 417 pp. 25s. [New York: United Nations; London: H.M.S.O. 1955.]Laws Concerning Nationality. United Nations Legislative Series. [New York: United Nations; London: H.M.S.O. 1955. xvii and 594 pp. 30s.]The Yeah Book of World Affairs 1955. Published under the auspices of the London Institute of World Affairs. [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1955. xiii and 392 pp. 42s. net.]

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