
Books reviewed in this issue.Bush's Indecisive Decisions GIANFRANCO PASQUINODecision Points, by George W. Bush.Anger, pessimism and community Richard MullenderThe Uses of Pessimism and the Danger of False Hope, by Roger Scruton.Forever learning Brian GroombridgeRemaking Adult Learning, edited by Jay Derrick, Ursula Howard, John Field, Peter Lavender, Sue Meyer, Ekkehard Nuissl von Rein and Tom Schuller.The ‘good’ migrant Anne KershenModern Migrations: Gujarati Indian Networks in New York and London, by Maritsa V. Poros.Imagining migrants Tiziana CaponioMigration, Public Opinion and Politics: The Transatlantic Council on Migration, edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung and Migration Policy Institute.Dissenting communists Maud Anne BrackeL'appuntamento mancato. La sinistra italiana e il dissenso nei regimi comunisti, 1968–1989, by Valentine Lomellini.Not a rose‐tinted view Richard BriandAges of Reform: Dawns and Downfalls of the British Left, by Kenneth O. Morgan.The people's flag is deepest green Dick PountainThe Ecological Rift: Capitalism's War on the Earth, by John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark and Richard York.

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