
Journal Article Book Reviews Get access Lumbar Disc Lesions: Pathogenesis and Treatment of Low Back Pain and Sciatica. By Armstrong J. R., M.D., M.Ch., F.R.C.S., Orthopedic Surgeon to Metropolitan Hospital and the Lambeth Hospital; Visiting Orthopedic Surgeon to Manor House Hospital, (Industrial Orthopedic Society); Honorary Consulting Orthopedic Surgeon to Royal Waterloo Hospital for Children and Women; Late Visiting Orthopedic Surgeon to the Ministry of Pensions Hospital, Stokes-Mandeville; Late Orthopedic Specialist, Royal Air Force Medical Service. Ed. 2. Cloth; price $12.00. Pp. 244; illus. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1958. Physical Therapy, Volume 39, Issue 7, July 1959, Pages 501–502, https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/39.7.501a Published: 01 July 1959

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