
Robin Boadway of Queen's University, Kingston reviews “A Theory of Fairness and Social Welfare” by Marc Fleurbaey and Francois Maniquet. The EconLit abstract of the reviewed work begins: Explores the elaboration of criteria for the evaluation of social and economic situations and considers the application of such criteria to the search for optimal public policies. Discusses a contribution to welfare economics; efficiency versus equality; priority to the worst-off; the informational basis of social orderings; fair distribution of divisible goods -- two approaches; specific domains; extensions; public goods; private goods; unequal skills; and income taxation. Fleurbaey is Research Director of the National Center for Scientific Research and serves on the staff of CERSES and the University of Paris Descartes. Maniquet is Professor of Economics at CORE at the Catholic University of Louvain, and teaches at the University of Warwick. Bibliography; index.

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