
Abstract Beru Anderson. Surveyor of the Sea (The Life arid Voyages of Captain George Vancouver). University of Washirigton Press, Seattle, 1960. 274 pp. illustrations and maps. George Kish. Economic Atlas of the Soviet Union. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1960. Frances C. Smith. The World of the Arctic. J. R. Lippincolt Company, East Washington Square, Philadelphia 5, Pennsylvania, 1960. 126 pages with photographs, index and table of contents. $2.95. George B. Cressey. Crossroads: Land and Life in Southwest Asia. J. B. Lippincott Company, Chicago, 1960. 595 pages, ill. $8.95. Peter Matthiessen. Wildlife In America. The Viking Press, New York, 1939. XI1 and 295 pages, including over 100 line drawings, color and monochrome plates, maps, and two appendices; oue of the appendices deals with rare, declining, and extinct vertebrate animal species; the other, a chronology of represenlative legislation affecting North American Wildlife. Hand cover, $10.00. C. F. Beckingharn, introduction. Atlas of the Arab World and the Middle East. Macniillan X. Company, 60 Fifth Avenue. New York 11, New York, 1960. 234 pages including table of contents and index. $9.00. Charles H. Hapgood. Great Mysteries of the Earth. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 210 Madison Avenue, Sew York, 1960. 72 pages with table of contents. Illustratctl by Robert Eggers. $2.75. Ages: 8-12. J. M. Smythe and C. G. Brown. Elements of Geography. St. Martin's Press Incorporated, New York, 1959. 274 pages. Oxford Regional Economic Atlas: The Middle East and North Africa. Oxford University Press, 417 Fifth Avenue, New York 16, New York, 1960. Paperbound $3.95 or clothbound $10.00. Gincs M. Maiques. Life in Europe: Spain. The Fideler Company, Grand Rapids 2, Michigan, 1959. 160 pages with pictures, glossary, note to teacher, table of contents, and index. 1-4 copies of one title $3.28; 5 or more copies of one title $2.46. Frank H. Forrester. Exploring the Air Ocean. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1960. 70 pages. $2.75. This is the sixth book in the Science Explorer Series. Norman J. G. Pounds. The Geography of Iron and Steel. Hutchinson & Company, London, England, 1959. 192 pages. E. Joseph Dreany. The Magic of Rubber. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 210 Madison Avenue, New York, 1960. 95 pages with index, illustrations, table of contents, acknowledgments, and glosary. $2.75. Mary Foley Horkheimer, John W. Diffor, John Guy Folkes. Educators Guide to Free Films. Educators Progress Service, Box 497, Randolph, Wisconsin. 639 pages with index. $9.00. L. Dudley Stamp and S. Carter Gilmour. Chisholm's Handbook of Commercial Geography. Sixteenth Edition. Longmans, Green and Company, 119 W. 40th St., New York, 1960. 915 pages with statistical tables and index. $16.50.

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