
Abstract Family Income in Chicago, 1935–36, by A. D. H. Kaplan, Faith M. Williams, assisted by Erika H. Wulff. Washington, D. C.: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin No. 642, Volume I. 1939. x, 210 pp. 25 cents. Reviewed by Paul H. Douglas Family Expenditure in Chicago, 1935–36, by A. D. H. Kaplan, Faith M. Williams, and Mildred Hartsough. Ibid., Volume II. 1939. ix, 256 pp. 30 cents. Reviewed by Paul H. Douglas Methods of Family Living Studies, by Robert Morse Woodbury. Washington, D. C.: International Labour Office. 1940. viii, 144 pp. $1.00. Reviewed by Carle C. Zimmerman Productivity, Wages and National Income, by Spurgeon Bell. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution. 1940. xii, 344 pp. $3.00. Reviewed by Theodore J. Kreps Savings in Great Britain, 1922–1935, An Analysis of the Causes of Variations in Savings, by E. A. Radice. New York: Oxford University Press. 1939. iv, 146 pp. $3.25. Reviewed by Max Sasuly The Canadian Balance of International Payments, A Study of Methods and Results. Ottawa: The Dominion Bureau of Statistics. 1939. 251 pp. $1.00. Reviewed by Cleona Lewis Occupational Counseling Techniques, Their Development and Application, by William H. Stead, Carroll L. Shartle and Associates. New York: American Book Company. ix, 1940. 273 pp. $2.50. Reviewed by Harold E. Burtt Statistical Analysis in Educational Research, by E. F. Lindquist. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1940. xi, 266 pp. $3.00. Reviewed by Harold A. Edgerton Graphische Tafeln zur Beurteilung statistischer Zahlen, by S. Koller. Dresden and Leipzig: Verlag von Theodor Steinkopff. 1940. 73 pp. RM 7.50. Reviewed by Gerhard Tintner Tuberculosis and Social Conditions in England with Special Reference to Young Adults, by P. D'Arcy Hart and G. Payling Wright. London: National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. 1939. 165 pp. 3s. Reviewed by Harold F. Dorn

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