
Wealth of the Solomons: A History of a Pacific Archipelago, 1800–1978. By Judith A. Bennett. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No. 3. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1987. xxvii, 529 pp, maps, notes, bibliog., appendices, index. The Art of Captain Cook's Voyages: volume III: The Voyage of the ‘Resolution’ and Discovery’ 1776–1780. By Rudiger Joppien and Bernard Smith. Melbourne, Oxford University Press in association with the Australian Academy of the Humanities, 1987. xxi, 669 pp, illus., index. $275. The Sacred Remains: Myth, History, and Polity in Belau. By Richard J. Parmentier. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1987. 341 pp, maps, photos, tables, figs, and Belauan texts. $US49.95 (cloth); $15.95 (paper). First Contact. By Bob Connolly and Robin Anderson. Viking Penguin, 1987. xi, 317 pp, illus. $29.95. Making history: Pukapukan and anthropological constructions of knowledge. By Robert Borofsky. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987. xiv, 201 pp. Maps, figs, bibliog. £20. New Caledonia or Kanaky? The Political History of a French Colony. By John Connell. Pacific Research Monograph 16. National Centre for Development Studies, The Australian National University, 1987. xx, 493 pp, figs, tables, maps, appendices, bibliog. $A25. Marriage and Domestic Violence in Rural Papua New Guinea, Occasional Paper No. 18, 1985; Domestic Violence in Urban Papua New Guinea, Occasional Paper No. 19, 1986; Domestic Violence in Papua New Guinea, Monograph No. 3, 1985; Marriage in Papua New Guinea, Monograph No. 4, 1986. Law Reform Commission of Papua New Guinea. Challenge: The Marists in Colonial Australia. By John Hosie. Sydney, London, Boston, Allen & Unwin 1987. x, 305 pp, maps, notes, illus., bibliog., index. Le Malentendu Pacifique. By J.‐F. Baré. Paris, Editions Hachette, Collection Histoire des Gens, 1985. 278 pp. F.F. 89.00. The South Sea Whaler: an annotated bibliography of published historical, literary and art material relating to whaling in the Pacific Ocean in the nineteenth century. Compiled by Honore Forster. Sharon, Kendall Whaling Museum and Fensham, Mass., Lef‐kowicz, 1985. xv, 157 pp. $US27.00.

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