
The book, A Comprehensive Guide to 5G Security (Abro, A.B. et al; 2018), discusses the key security areas of 5G systems. This book is selected to review in this column because particular emphasis is given to the planning of threat mitigation from the perspective of telecom vendors and mobile network operators. In total, there are 17 chapters in this book which are categorized into four parts: 5G security overview; 5G netwowrk security; 5G cloud computing; and virtual network security. The weak point of the book is that it does not cover the layered aspects of 5G networks in detail, including the physical, MAC and network layers. The metadata available on the publisher’s website shows 474 pages; however, the hardcopy has 440 pages. Overall, after reading the book, it is clear that security and privacy are of utmost importance for new 5G technologies and networks, and this book can be a good read for covering the background and technological aspects for 5G networks and their security and privacy issues.

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