
The State in Africa: The Politics of the Belly by Jean‐Francois Bayart (London: Longman, 1993, pp.370, £14.99). Botswana: The Political Economy of Democratic Development edited by Stephen John Stedman (Boulder & London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993, pp.ix + 214, £27.50 hb). South Africa's Crisis of Constitutional Democracy: Can the U.S. Constitution Help? edited by Robert A. Licht and Bertus de Villiers, (Cape Town, Wetton, Johannesburg Juta and Company & Washington DC: The AEI Press, 1994, pp.xiii + 237, $31.75). Southern Africa at the Crossroads?: Prospects for Stability and Development in the 1990s edited by Larry Benjamin and Christopher Gregory (Rivonia, South Africa: Justified Press, 1992, pp.xiii + 287, $21). Ethnicity and Conflict in the Horn of Africa edited by Katsuyoshi Fukui and John Markakis (London: James Currey, 1994, pp.242, £35 hb, £12.95 pb). A Blighted Harvest: The World Bank and African Agriculture by Peter Gibbon, Kjell J. Havnevik and Kenneth Hermele (London: James Currey Publishers, 1993, pp.viii + 168, £25 hb; £9.95 pb). African Capitalists in African Development edited by Bruce J. Berman and Colin Leys (Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1994, pp.275, £39.95). Gender, Work and Population in Subsaharan Africa edited by Aderanti Adepoju and Christine Oppong (London: James Currey, 1994, p.245, £12.95 and £35. Waiting for Allah: Benazir Bhutto and Pakistan by Christina Lamb (London: Penguin, 1992, £6.99). Pakistan Chronicle by Sir Morrice James (Lord Saint Brides) introduction by Peter Lyon (London: Hurst, 1993, £18.50). Zufi Bhutto of Pakistan: His Life and Times by Stanley Wolpert (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993, £25). Bangladesh: Reflections on the Water by James J. Novak (Bloomington and Indianopolis: Indiana University Press, 1993, pp.235, £22.50). Patron‐Client Politics and Business in Bangladesh by Stanley A. Kochanek (New Delhi, Thousand Oaks and London: Sage, 1993, pp.387, £35). Sri Lanka: The Invention of Enmity by David Little (Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1994, pp.176). Traditions, Tyranny and Utopias: Essays in the Politics of Awareness by Ashis Nandy (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1992, pp.xx + 168, Rs 120). Character of the Indian State: a Non‐Marxist View by J.D. Sethi (New Delhi: Indian Institute of Advanced Study & Manohar Publications, 1992, pp.82, Rs 60). India's Ad Hoc Arsenal: Direction or Drift in Defence Policy by Chris Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994, pp.267, £25). Soviet Policy Towards South Asia Since 1970 by Linda Racioppi (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp.232, £35). India's Colonial Encounter: Essays in Memory of Eric Stokes edited by Mushirul Hasan and Narayani Gupta (New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 1993, pp.412, Rs 400). The Quest for Security in the Caribbean: Problems and Promises in Subordinate States by Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith (New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1993, pp.xii + 320). New Social Movements in the South. Empowering the People edited by Ponna Wignaraja (London: Zed Books, 1993, pp.xviii + 275, £36.95 hb, £14.95 pb). Democracy in the Third World by Robert Pinkney (Buckingham: Open University Press, 1993, pp.182, £12.99 pb). Islam, Muslims and the Modern State edited by Hussin Mutalib and Taj ul‐Islam Hashmi (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1994, pp.360, £45).

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