
Book reviewed in this article:Stanley fish, The Living Temple: George Herbert and Catechizing, University of California Press, London, ł8·00.Essays on His Times, The Collected Works ofS. T. Coleridge, volume 3, in three parts, ed. by David Erdman; Routledge and Kegan Paul, and Princeton University Press, ł45 per set.William‐Blake's Writings edited by G. E. Bentley, Jr. Volume t Engraved and Etched Writings; volume II: Writings in Conventional Typography and Manuscript. Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, ł65 the set.Andrew Sanders, The Victorian Historical Novel 1840–1880. Macmillan, ł8·95.maurice larkin, Man and Society in nineteenth‐century Realism. Macmillan, ł8·95.edwardchitham (ed.), The Pcemsof Anne Bronte: a New Text and Commentary. Macmillan, ł8·95.Edvard beyer, Ibsen: the Man and his Work. Souvenir Press, ł3·95.harold clurman, Ibsen. Macmillan, ł8·95.Alfred D. white, Bertolt Brecht's Great Plays. Macmillan, ł8·95.Bernard capp, Astrology and the Popular Press: English Almanacs, 1500–1800. Faber and Faber, ł15·00.R. l brett (ed.), Andrew Marvell: Essays on the Tercentenary of his Death. Oxford University Press for Hull University, ł5·00.kirsti simonsuuri, Homer's Original Genius: Eighteenth‐Century Notions of the Early Greek Epic (1688–1798). Cambridge University Press, ł12·50Howard erskine‐htll and anne smith (eds.). The Art of Alexander Pope. Vision Press, ł7·80.Philip hobsbaum. Tradition and experiment in english poetry. Macmillan,ł12·00.laura ann Curtis (ed.), The Versatile Defoe: An Anthology of Uncollected Writings by Daniel Defoe. George Prior Publishers, ł12·50.Thomas LOCKWOOD, Post‐Augustan Satire: Charles Churchill and Satirical Poetry, 1750–1800. University of Washington Press, ł12·25.Rene wellek and alvaro ribeiro (eds.), Evidence in Literary Scholarship: Essays in Memory of James Marshall Osborn. Oxford University Press, ł15·00.Norman and jean Mackenzie, Dickens. A Life. Oxford University Press, ł8·95.Rjchard h. Taylor (ed.), the personal notebooks of thomas hardy. Mac‐millan, ł15·00.B. J. Kkkpattuck, a bibliography of edmund blunden, with a personal introduction by rupert hart‐davis. Clarendon press: oxford university press, ł30·00.STEVE SMTIH, The Holiday. Virago, 1979, ł1·95.J. p. KULSHRESTHA, Graham Greene the Novelist. Macmillan, ł7·95.henry summerfield, An Introductory Guide to The Anathemata and the Sleeping Lord Sequence of David Jones. Sono Nis Press, Victoria, British Columbia, ł10·00.Arno schmidt, The Egghead Republic: a Short Novel from the Horse Latitudes. Marion Boyars, ł5·95.

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