
White, GM & Cox, NH . Diseases of the skin: a color atlas and text. London : Mosby , 2000 . This clinical dermatology book accomplishes the goals set by its authors, i.e. it provides explicit photographs with a current and comprehensive text. The illustrations and descriptions following each disease process, including the differential diagnosis and treatment options, provide relevant information in an easy-to-read manner. Unfortunately, the text does not include comprehensive pathogenetic mechanisms, leaving the reader to ponder the latest advances in understanding various diseases. Additionally, a few microscopic photographs would have been helpful. Yet, it is understood, that many lesions have diagnostic histology and thus, the size of the book would conceivably double, even if only the most unique entities were chosen. However, in all fairness to the authors, these omissions are disclaimed in the preface of the text and, thereby may be justified. Given the potential wide range of physicians utilizing this book, statements regarding the treatment of all lesions addressed, should have been given. In cases where no known treatment exists a statement to that affect could have been included. Also, arrows highlighting some lesions could have been used. Yet, there were fewer than five cases, in the entire book, which would have benefited from such arrows. Thus, the arrows may have ultimately obstructed the images, and degraded the overall effect of the book. The completeness of the text and photography serves to educate the novice and guide the more experienced. There is an illustration for every lesion presented, even the esoteric, thus supplying knowledge possibly unprecedented for some readers. Given the design of each chapter and subchapters, many of the same diseases fall within different sections. In some books, this would be exhausting for the reader. In this text, however, redundancy is avoided by focusing on the relevance of the lesion within the given chapter. A short description of the lesion is also given, followed by a reference. The inclusion of these refreshing descriptions allow the reader to re-asses the issue at that instant, instead of having to turn to the referred chapter. The reader can then decide to turn to the referred pages for even more detail if necessary. This is unlike many other texts, where the repeated lesion is merely stated and the reference chapter given. In summary, this book is a necessity for the physician encountering dermatological lesions. The reader is provided with concise terminology aided by relevant and informative charts. There are few, if any, shortcomings of this book.

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