
Roxana Cobo, ed. Ethnic Considerations in Facial Plastic Surgery . New York, NY: Thieme, 2015. ISBN-13: 978-1626230231, ISBN-10: 1626230234, $199.99. ![Graphic][1] The emergence of new techniques in the field of plastic surgery has led to an explosion of available material on all aspects of this fine specialty. But most of this material is limited to the needs of the Western population, namely Caucasians. However, there is growing demand for these procedures from other ethnicities of the world. Moreover, practicing plastic surgeons cannot contain their practice to 1 ethnic group only because there are vivid changes in the population profile because of migration everywhere. Blending and mixing of races has posed another problem to practicing plastic surgeons, as they have to adjust their treatment strategies to the ongoing changes in the society. With this as background, the book Ethnic Considerations in Facial Plastic Surgery is a welcome addition to the armamentarium of today's plastic surgeon. The book has been wisely … Corresponding Author: Dr Lokesh Kumar, Division of Aesthetic Surgery, BLK Super Specialty Hospital, Pusa Road, New Delhi 110005, India. E-mail: drlokesh2903{at}gmail.com [1]: /embed/inline-graphic-1.gif

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