
JB Tebbetts. Augmentation Mammaplasty: Redefining the Patient and Surgeon Experience. Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2009. ISBN: 0323041124 ![][1] Over the course of 601 pages, 21 chapters, and more than six hours of video on DVD, Dr. John Tebbetts offers an exceptionally comprehensive review in Augmentation Mammaplasty: Redefining the Patient and Surgeon Experience . The author details his personal evolution of thought, overlooking no detail that he believes would be valuable to a young plastic surgeon beginning a practice in breast augmentation or a more experienced surgeon seeking improved outcomes. Dr. Tebbetts is to be commended for his efforts to “redefine the patient and surgeon experience,” as stated in the book’s subtitle. In addition to his engineering and design contributions to implant manufacture, he has continually worked to improve the patient education and decision-making processes, optimize surgical techniques to minimize complications, and evaluate outcomes to determine what can be improved in the future. In his introduction, Dr. Tebbetts clarifies the difference between solution- and process-based thinking (ie, comparing two different techniques vs improving an established technique). By changing their mind-set, surgeons may be able to focus on improving patient outcomes. The first and second chapters set the stage for the rest of the book, covering “A Personal Historical Perspective” and “Ten Essentials” to a successful outcome. Throughout the rest of the text, Dr. … Dr. Dan Mills a Clinical Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California. E-mail: dcm2{at}danmillsmd.com. [1]: /embed/graphic-1.gif

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