
Ayurveda Samhita Grantha’s are the basic source of Ayurvedic wisdom. Among Bruhadtrayi, Ashtanga Sangraha was written by Acharya Vagbhata which is a compendium of then available literature. This book is without bias to either the Charaka’s school of med- icine or the Sushruta’s school of surgery. Science al- ways expands day by day. Acharya Vagbhata after some time wrote condensed, precise and poetic book entitled ‘Ashtanga Hridaya’. Ashtanga Sangraha - Sutrasthana was included in First Year B.A.M.S. syl- labus from many decades. Since last few years Ash- tanga Hridaya (Sutrasthana) was included in the sylla- bus instead of Ashtanga Sangraha. From the year 2012, Maulik Siddhant was also added to this and the subject was renamed as ‘Maulik Siddhant Evam Ash- tanga Hridaya’.

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