
Acupuncture pocketbook: point location Christopher M. Norris. 2nd Edition. Published by Norris Associates, 2011. ISBN 9780955012. Beginning to practice acupuncture may at times be overwhelming with so many points to remember. The anatomical positions of over 380 classical acupuncture points would be challenging for a fair few of us to keep at the forefront of our memory, especially those which are used less frequently. How helpful to have such a book available to provide an aide memoire! Christopher Norris is obviously an experienced practitioner given his role as approved tutor for the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists, and his position on the British Acupuncture Council. He has written a book, now in its second edition, to provide a handy reference for other practitioners. Although slightly larger than the average pocket, this is a neat, portable light weight book which is helpful for those requiring a little help with remembering …

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