
PART I: INTRODUCING GLOBALISATION, LAW AND DIGITAL DEMOCRACY 1. Corien Prins, Setting the stage for analysing digital democracy through the lens of globalisation and global law 2. Maurice Adams, Democracy and the Democracy Debate: From City State to a Globalising Society? PART II: COUNTRY SPECIFIC INITIATIVES 3. Karsten Meijer, Dutch digital manifestations of representative and monitory democracy. 4. Koen van Aeken, Digital manifestations of representative and monitory democracy in Belgium. 5. Monica Steffen Guise Rosina and Alexandre Pacheco da Silva, Digital Democracy in Brazil: how open is the government to change? 6. Arpan Banerjee, Internet Censorship in India 7. Anne Meuwese, Popular Constitution-Making. The Case of Iceland. PART III: SPHERES, ACTORS AND REGULATORY INSTRUMENTS 8. Emre Bayamlioglu, A Critical Theory of Social Media As Public Sphere 9. Rivka Weill, Digital Democracy: Do We Want Electronic Elections and Are They Constitutional? 10. Marie-Jose Garot, European citizens‘ initiative 11. Nicolo Zingales & Roxana Radu, In search of the holy grail: democratic multistakeholder governance in internet policy-making 12. Stefan Soeparman, Civic driven open data initiatives: transparantizing the workings and performance of the State?13. Colette Cuijpers, Edemocracy; reconciling the interests of open data and data protection 14. Pedro Letai, Why can’t we be friends? Copyright and Freedom of Expression at the Crossroads of Digital Democracy PART IV: AN AGENDA FOR REFLECTIONS ON GLOBALIZATION, LAW AND DIGITAL DEMOCRACY

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