
Launched in August 2020, the Book Owners Online was built as a collaborative project between the Bibliographical Society and the University College London, designed to be scalable and flexible with the aspiration to expand both chronologically and geographically. Initially containing data for around 1400 English seventeenth-century book owners, the number of entries has grown to more than 1800, covering Scottish as well as English owners, and moving into the 18th century. The Book Owners Online platform is meant to be a place to start, not one to end, providing overview information to further sources of reference. It does not aspire to list all the books a person owned; the entries conform to a standard structure, with several fields which will be filled depending on the nature of the evidence. They include a name with at least a date of birth or death, a narrative field on “Books” aiming to summarise what we know about their library, and at least one source of further information. Like all online databases of this nature, providing a source of reference and information to support other works, it is conceived as being always a work in progress.

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