
FASCISM, ANTI‐FASCISM AND ITALIANS IN AUSTRALIA 1922–1945. By Gianfranco Cresciani.THE ITALIAN FARMING SOLDIERS: Prisoners of War in Australia 1941–1947. By Alan Fitzgerald.AUSTRALIAS IMMIGRANTS. By Geoffrey Sherington.POST‐WAR RECONSTRUCTION IN AUSTRALIA: A Bibliography of resources for study in the National Library of Australia.SIXTY YEARS OF STRUGGLE: A journal of communist and labour history.COMMONWEALTH GRANTS COMMISSION: Report on State Tax Sharing Entitlements 1981.ONE MANS WAR. By Stan Arneil.THAT DAMNED DEMOCRAT: John Norton, an Australian populistTHE GREAT PROFESSIONAL: A Study of W. M. Hughes. By Malcolm Booker.AUSTRALIAN STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND: A Select Guide to Resources: Humanities and Social Sciences. Compiled by Margaret Zerner.A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY: Monographs, Part 3, The Social Sciences (Excluding Material relating to the Aborigines). Compiled by Carol M. Mills.LITERACY AND THE SOCIAL ORDER Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England. By David Cressy.LATIN AMERICA IN ENGLISH‐LANGUAGE REFERENCE BOOKS: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography. By Ann Hartness Graham and Richard D. Woods.THE RITES OF RULERS: Ritual in Industrial Society‐the Soviet Case. By Christel Lane.POLITICAL ECONOMY AND SOVIET SOCIALISM. By Alec Nove.SOCIOLOGY AND HISTORY. By Peter Burke.GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS: An organizntional perspective. By D. C. Pitt and B. C. Smith.IN SEARCH OF THE CONSTITUTION: Reflections on State and Society in Britain. By Nevi1 Johnson.JOHN HOPTON: A Fifteenth Century Suffolk Gentleman. By Colin Richmond.PROPAGANDA IN WAR 1939–1945: Organisations, Policies and Publics in Britain and Germany. By Michael Balfour.WORK AND REVOLUTION IN FRANCE: The Language of Labour from the Old Regime to 1848. By William H. Sewell, Jr.EUROCOMMUNISM AND EUROSOCIALISM: The Left Confronts Modernity. Edited by Bernard E. Brown.AN INTRODUCTION TO UKRAINIAN HISTORY: Volume 1. Ancient and Kievan‐Galician UkraineRus. By Nicholas L. FrXhirovsky.ECONOMICS FOR HISTORIANS. By G. R. Hawke.

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