
To investigate the utilisation of bone-anchored hearing aids and Softband, as well as the effects on quality of life, amongst the paediatric and young adult population of Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. Retrospective, anonymised, cross-sectional survey using the Glasgow Benefit Inventory and Listening Situation Questionnaire (parent version), administered at least three months following the start of bone-anchored hearing aid or Softband use. One hundred and nine patients were included, of whom syndromic children made up a significant proportion (22 of 109). Patients using bone-anchored hearing aids obtained significant educational and social benefit from their aids. The mean Listening Situation Questionnaire difficulty score was 17 (15 patients), which is below the trigger score of 22+ at which further reassessment and rehabilitation is required. 87% (of 15 patients) did not require further intervention. The overall mean GBI score for the 22 patients (syndromic and non-syndromic) was +29. The use of bone-anchored hearing aids and Softband results in significant improvements in quality of life for children and young adults with hearing impairment. There is significant under-utilisation of bone-anchored hearing aids in children with skull and congenital abnormalities, and we would advocate bone-anchored hearing aid implantation for these patients.

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