
The tumor microenvironment plays a critical role in determining the fate of tumor cells. We have previously reported that adhesion of human myeloma and leukemia cell lines to the extracellular matrix protein, fibronectin, confers a multidrug-resistant phenotype. Mechanisms associated with this cell adhesion-mediated drug resistance are drug-type specific. In the present study, we examined the influence of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) on myeloma cell response to the topoisomerase II inhibitor, mitoxantrone. Apoptosis was inhibited by more than 50% when cells were adhered to BMSCs as compared to myeloma cells maintained in suspension. To investigate the mechanisms contributing to the resistance of myeloma cells in contact with BMSCs, we examined the protective effects of BMSCs under four separate conditions: (1) direct cell contact; (2) BMSCs conditioned medium; (3) medium conditioned by coculturing myeloma cells in direct contact with BMSCs; and (4) medium conditioned by coculturing myeloma cells and BMSCs without direct physical contact. Conditioned medium from BMSCs alone was not sufficient to protect myeloma cells from drug-induced apoptosis; however, soluble factors produced during the myeloma-BMSCs interaction decreased the sensitivity of myeloma cells to mitoxantrone, suggesting a dynamic interaction between myeloma cells and BMSCs. We also found that myeloma cells in direct contact with BMSCs underwent growth arrest, whereas soluble factors produced by myeloma cells-BMSCs coincubation stimulated the proliferation of myeloma cells. These data show that both cell-cell adhesion of BMSCs with myeloma cells and soluble factors induced by this cell-cell interaction are involved in the protection of myeloma cells from mitoxantrone-induced apoptosis; however, the mechanisms contributing to the drug resistance are different.

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