
The discovery of complex phenomena and strongly correlated behavior in the solid state has incessantly relied upon the creation of stable low-dimensional lattices approaching the atomic limit. Whereas 2D van der Waals (vdW) materials with atomic scale thicknesses have gained widespread interest, very little has been known about the chemistry and physics of their more confined 1D counterparts in the solid state. In these length scales and dimensionalities, unique physical properties arising from finite size effects such as ballistic electrical transport, size-dependent optical resonance modes, long carrier lifetimes, and exotic higher-order topological states become realizable. To this end, I will present the recent efforts in my group towards elucidating the chemical bonding interactions which define the structure and nanoscale dimensionality of structures derived from lattices which are comprised of 1D chains with sub-nm diameters that are held together by weak vdW interactions. By gaining anisotropy-driven control over these interactions via bottom-up chemical vapor growth, we demonstrate the creation of dimensionally-resolved nanostructures with various thicknesses ranging from 1D nanowire bundles to quasi-2D nanoribbons and nanosheets, all based on a the same 1D vdW lattice motif. Extensive electron diffraction and atomic-resolution microscopy of these resulting nanostructures reveal the strong dependence of the size and dimensionality of the 1D and quasi-2D nanostructures on anisotropic inter-chain vdW bonding interactions, precursor ratios, and growth temperatures. Using these results, we propose a crystallization mechanism defined by the competition between covalent and vdW bonding interactions and epitaxy. As physical properties directly correlate to the structure, dimensionality, and size in the solid state, I will also talk about how the unique topographies of resulting freestanding nanostructures dictate their electronic properties. I will describe how the synthetic control over the structural attributes led to our discovery of emergent properties such as the elusive indirect-to-direct band gap transition and higher-order topological states in 1D vdW nanostructures. Through these efforts, we define for the first time the anisotropy-driven growth of these emergent 1D vdW-derived nanostructures and how nanoscale morphologies in these nanostructures dictate their electronic structures. Altogether, this precise control over crystalline and electronic structure poises these emergent low-dimensional solids as building blocks towards programmable electrocatalysts, densified electronic and quantum devices in sensing, photonic, energy storage and conversion, and spintronic technologies.

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