
The bond dissociation energies for Alkali halides have been estimated based on the derived relations: $$\begin{gathered} D_{AB} = \bar D_{AB} + 31.973{\text{ e}}^{0.363\Delta x} {\text{ and}} \hfill \\ D_{AB} = \bar D_{AB} (1 - 0.2075\Delta xr_e ) + 52.29\Delta x, \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ where \(\bar D_{AB} = (D_{AA} \cdot D_{BB} )^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} \), Δx represents Pauling electronegativity differences x(A −xB) and re is the internuclear distance. A simplified formula relating bond orders, q, to spectroscopic constants is suggested. The formula has the form q = 1.5783 × 10−3 (ω e 2 re/ Be)1/2. The ambiguity arising from the Parr and Borkman relation is discussed. The present study supports the view of Politzer that q/(0.5re)2 is the correct definition of bond order. The estimated bond energies and bond orders are in reasonably good agreement with the literature values. The bond energies estimated with the relations we suggested, for alkali halides give an error of 4.5% and 5.3%, respectively. The corresponding error associated with Pauling's equation is 40.2%.

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