
Abstract Cotton was planted 9 May on the UA Cotton Branch Experiment Station in Marianna, AR in 8 row (38 inch centers) wide plots 50 ft long separated by 2 row buffer zones planted in mustard. Treatments were arranged in a RCBD with 3 replications. Insecticides were applied 26 Jul using a 8-row CO2 charged hi-boy sprayer calibrated to deliver 8.5 gpa at 30 psi with TJ-60 8002 nozzles on 19 inch spacing. Treatments were evaluated for bollworm control 4 days after treatment by examining 25 terminals and 25 bolls in the center 4 rows of each plot. Numbers of TPB were estimated using 25 sweeps of an 18" net and 6 drop cloth samples of 9 ft row (1.5 ft drops). Predaceous insects were counted in the drop cloth samples as well.

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