
AbstractThis paper discusses the three phases of the lifecycle of the bojale drum: its custodianship by the queen of Bakgatla‐baga‐Kgafela; the drum's use in bojale (girls’ initiation ceremony); and its presence in Phuthadikobo Museum, a community institution. This lifecycle was observed by the author prior, during, and post initiation in bojale, a girls’ initiation school in 2009. The drum's use, its royal significance and sacredness, is barely documented in its museum record, which can result in its misinterpretation. The recommendations are that the drum's documentation, preservation, handling, and storage in the museum should incorporate its intangible cultural attributes if the museum is to be relevant to the Bakgatla‐baga‐Kgafela community. In conclusion, bojale drum is an example of how material culture can connect a museum with its community through the living culture of bojale.

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