
Bohmian mechanics, also known as pilot-wave theory or de Broglie–Bohm theory, is a formulation of quantum mechanics whose fundamental axioms are not about what observers will see if they perform an experiment but about what happens in reality. It is therefore called a “quantum theory without observers,” alongside with collapse theories and many-worlds theories and in contrast to orthodox quantum mechanics. It follows from these axioms that in a universe governed by Bohmian mechanics, observers will see outcomes with exactly the probabilities specified by the usual rules of quantum mechanics for empirical predictions. Specifically, Bohmian mechanics asserts that electrons and other elementary particles have a definite position at every time and move according to an equation of motion that is one of the fundamental laws of the theory and involves a wavefunction that evolves according to the usual Schr\"odinger equation. Bohmian mechanics is named after David Bohm (1917–1992), who was, although not the first to consider this theory, the first to realize (in 1952) that it actually makes correct predictions.

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