
Human body measurements or anthropometry are carried out, among others, to meet industrial and health needs. Products that will be used by humans need to use anthropometry to suit the people who use them. The use of anthropometry in health, among others, is used as an indicator of health as well as a person nutritional level. The measure that is widely used for the criteria for human health is weight. Based on body weight can be determined the level of health and the possibility of a disease suffered by a person. Knowledge of weight anthropometry is packaged in the form of an expert system so that it can be used for consultation by people who have health problems based on body weight. The methodology used in this design uses Expert System Development Life Cycle, as well as knowledge representation techniques use artificial intelligence production systems. The design results are dynamic software, which is able to overcome diseases based on body weight data. Disease is divided into two categories, namely diseases based on high body weight and low body weight. Expert System has been validated by an expert. The validation results describe the expert system can provide solutions that are in accordance with the knowledge provided. The resulting system can be run by lay people in the training process for 2 hours. The conclusions from this study are that expert systems are able to be applied to assist humans in introducing effective and efficient weight-based anthropometric diseases. The artificial intelligence production system provides a knowledge base, rule base, and control strategies for finding weight anthropometric solutions.

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